Heroes of Might and Magic IV – HD Resolution Mod by Verok
This mod allows play Heroes of Might and Magic IV on 16:9, 16:10 screens. It is based on HoMM IV GL Wrapper, so it requires it. But download package has already the last version of GL Wrapper, so you don’t need download it separately.
Download |
Heroes IV HD mod (official site download)* |
*The Heroes 4 HD mod was removed by the author (due to the Ukraine war), if you want to use the HD featrues, try the Heroes 4 Ultimate Edition, or use temporary Heroes 4 HD mod download page.
Mod Usage:
To chnage image aspect ratio and select proper resoliotion, follow next steps:
- exit into game windowed mode via games settings menu, or by pressing F4 key
- in top window menu go to Mod->Resolution Mod->Aspect Ratio, and select your mode (see example)
- restart the game
- go to game settings menu and select your resolution
- Download appropriate SFX file for your game
- Launch this file and extract its content into the game root
- Launch the game
This is awesome. Is it possible to bump the resolution up to 4K?
Hello, may I assume what original author of this mod is Verok? Does he have any socials, what happened to him?
Hi, yes, the author of the modification is Verok. Unfortunately, since the war in Ukraine, he canceled his entire site and work until the war is over.
looks great but visibility limit to 3 heroes and 3 towns is frustrating
Огромное спасибо за мод!
I downloaded the mod on my PC shortly before it was taken down. I am on holiday for a week but I can look at uploading it when I get back and post a link back on here if I remember when I return.
As promised I have now uploaded: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AvsfU0aCtYnZkmiToA6i09Q92swk?e=ghvyKx
For anyone wondering why the HD mod’s download has been removed, it’s seemingly been integrated into the Equilibris 3.60 beta.
no, it was removed due to the war, the author is from Ukraine
Yes unfortunately it is gone everywhere – rather frustrating when from UK not involved to lose access to wonderful work and no idea if it will ever return. I did get the mod jsut before it was taken down and I will upload to my drive when I get home.
Can someone upload this?
Heroes4GL_1.50.exe – 48.5 MB
Heroes4GL_1.50.exe – 48.5 MB
hi, sorry, i have only this version: H4ResMod_1.05.exe (24,8 MB)
I will upload when I get home in about a week’s time as I got it but on holiday.
That would be great, then send me a link to na admin@heroes3wog.net
Here: https://heroes3wog.net/heroes-4-hd-mod-download/
Nice – I just mirrored it myself too.
Can somebody reupload this thingy or give me direct link please?
I’ll upload when I get home from holiday as I got it just before it got deleted.
Edit: I can now see everything but the “mod” tab in the top bar. Still need help, though. Ty in advance
Edit2: I fixed it! For anyone running into the same issues – simply uninstall and reinstall the mod and extract the file from the download directly into the game root of your game. The old “did you turn it off and on again?” kinda worked lol
I tried that few times. I even deleted the names files from the folder and extracted inside again. I only have File showing.
Can you or someone else help?
Same here. I’am trying to run it with Wine.
To run it with wine you need to add ddraw as a override in winecfg. See same procedure as here: https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/a2yxaa/new_cncddraw_release_makes_old_games_run_smooth/eb3jzsb/
Here’s what I did:
1. Put the mod folder into the game folder
2. Put the file in the data folder into the game/data folder
3. Renamed the ddraw.dll file to ddraw.dll.old (so it’s easy to recover if necessary) and copied the downloaded ddraw.dll into the game folder.
Worked first time with no other changes.
Can anyone help me with the installation? I downloaded the file from this site and copied the extracted items into the game folder (I tried “Data” and no sub-folder). When I run the game in windowed mode, I only have the left option “file” in the top bar and none of the others so I can’t change any settings. Please excuse the question if it is dumb – it’s my first time modding anything like this.
I really like the idea of the MOD and i love HoMM4 so goodjob!
I am a bit hesitant to download it though, since i dont like the look of the transparent borders when in the townscreen and combat, compared to fullscreen on the adventure map. Is there any way you can make everything fullscreen? Then it is an instant download for me
Hi Snabel, as with the HD modification of Heroes 3, this is unfortunately not possible.
The author would have to make a new sprite, for all units and for all resolutions.
Ahoj , je to možne hrať aj na complete verzii od gog ?
Ahoj, samozrejme, aj toto video bolo robené z pomocou GOG verzie Heroes 4.
Zdravím, je nějaká šance zahrát si Homm na tabletu? Mám iPad a stažené Homm3, ale bohužel bez datadisku. Šlo by Homm4 HD na android? Moc díky
Nazdar, Heroes 4 sa veľmi nevenujem, ale bolo ju možné na Androide hrať cez exagear napr. na tomto videu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wE6RClLXmY4 no aplikácia exagear už nie je vyvíjaná, možno ak by si našiel jej poslednú verziu, vedel by si H4 na androide spustiť.
There is a visual glitch that appears of the left side of the “town screen” (I will add a picture for you to see). It appears as if the yellow window frame is of larger size than the actual image of the town screen, so the background underneath shines through. I am unsure if this happens on more windows, like the battle screen.
I hope you are still fixing bugs so that this bug can be fixed.
Amazing mod btw. It took this many years for someone to do this, we can finally play this game on a modern pc… Great work.
If someone could please relay this to that guy at his blog. Since I dont own or want to own a google account. It would be good if he fixes this visual bug before he goes into a hibernation like most modders do after a while of release.
Hi Beige, thanks for the information, I wrote it to the author on the blog, I hope he fixes it.
Fixed! Download new 1.05 version.
Great job! Thank you very much, we have been waiting for such a mod for a very long time! Success in your future efforts!
Hi Maks, all thanks belong to the author of the modification – Verok. 🙂
Thank you man for making this 🙂