Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5

Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 is an unofficial expansion pack for Tribes of the East or HoMM 5 Complete and a spiritual successor to the popular WoG modification for HoMM3. The pack will include many new adventure objects, new larger battlefields, new heroes, new classes, new specializations, new skills, new artifacts, new adventure spells, new HD textures and a greatly improved RMG with more than 60 ‚visualized‘ Templates.
The AI is much more intelligent and calculated much faster. Balance is also greatly improved both for small competitive multiplayer maps as well as crazy XXXL maps with countless epic battles vs Neutrals and AI.
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Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 |
Installation and upgrade guide |
Click here for the English description. |
Heroes 5.5 has higher system requirements ,you can pretty much consider the H6 requirements as applicable. Otherwise you may suffer from adventure map lag. MMH5.5 uses more detailed landscape textures. Next-gen core-ix processors with high clockspeed on single core really make the AI ‘fly’ and are highly recommended.
Magnomagus: project lead design, hex editing, programming, textures and manuals. Quantomas: AI Programming (31j). Kronos1000: hex-editing. BAD: hex-editing. Deflaktor: hex-editing, PEST. Simonak: hex-editing, technical issues. Indral: hex-editing. Sfidanza: hex editing. Mirthless/PvP: Scripting ideas. Alexoff: Scripting ideas. Prome7eus: Scripting ideas. Frostymuaddib: Scripting ideas. xuxo: Pre-rendered textures, HD textures. Marzhin: DM map content. Alcibiades: Building cost balance. Cepheus: 8 skills UI, technical issues. Xazardous: UI buttons. Heroesleague user?: Extended ATB. dredknight: LAN testing, social media. dabuthegreat: Polish Translation. Spamm: text improvements. TSoD: improved creature icons. Fiur: refugee mod.
- Web: www.moddb.com/mods/might-magic-heroes-55
- HeroesCommunity fórum: www.heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=41303
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/mightandmagicheroes5.5
- Status: in dev
Galéria Heroes 5.5
Can I just grab the textures and other graphic improvements from the mod and leave vanilla gameplay? I’m more interested in better graphics than overhauling the game.
Hi try this ReShade Settings with Adaptive Sharpening, SMAA and AO: http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=43864
Polish language is available?
I have no information about the Polish version. Try to ask here:http://heroescommunity.com/viewthread.php3?TID=41303
I think some older versions (maybe 1.8 too) are also available in Polish.
Všechny informace jsem Vám poslal do emailu – liso1@centrum.sk.
Odpísal som ti na email, tak daj potom vedieť či pomohlo. 🙂
mám problém s tímto modem. Instalace proběhne v pořádku, ale hra nejde spustit. Po kliknutí na jakoukoliv z ikon se zobrazí okno, kde se píše, že v počítači chybí nějaký program/soubor. Nevíte co s tím? Jinak se omlouvám, že nepiši ve slovenštině.
Nazdar Jakub, tak v prvom rade, absolútne nevadí že píšeš česky, bez problémov rozumiem :).
Potreboval by som trochu viac informácií o chybe, čo presne vypisuje? Čistá verzia Heroes 5 (bez modifikácie Heroes 5.5) fungovala? Išla spustiť?
Na ktorú verziu Heroes 5 si modifikáciu inštaloval?
Ktorý program/súbor vypisuje že chýba?