
The Arcomage game is a single or two player fantasy card game in which the players try to build their tower to a certain size, build up all of their resources to a certain quantity or destroy their opponents tower before their opponent can achieve any of these conditions.
This card game was featured as a tavern game in the Might and Magic games by 3DO, but is also available on its own. The picture on this page shows all the cards used in the game. Click it to see the full-sized image and inspect the fantasy artwork on each card.
The Story Behind Arcomage (from the PDF manual)
During a time long past, a traveler settled among the people of Shrikar. The travelers knowledge, skills and power led them to believe that he was the chosen Emissary of the god Ceth. As time passed, the traveler taught the people of Shrikar how to Weave, or shape the natural energy flows of their planet. The Emissary also taught the basic skills of architecture and of controlling creatures of the land, improving the way life for the people of Shrikar. An age of prosperity and enlightenment began and the people lived better than ever before.
As the people of Shrikar continued to advance in their skill and knowledge of Weaving, the Emissary left to continue his journey once more. To honor him and his teachings, the people created the Arcomage Guild; a school dedicated to the knowledge that the Emissary brought to Shrikar. Graduation from this Guild bestowed the title of Arcomage upon the worthy student, one who understood and excelled in the ways of Weaving, of Control and of Building. The Golden Age of Shrikar had reached its pinnacle.
One hundred years after the departure of the Emissary, the first Arcomage War struck the people of Shrikar. The Arcomage Crowhain assaulted the citadel of the Arcomage Ralbeard. The surrounding countryside was laid to waste. Years after the war started, Ralbeard completely destroyed the citadel of his enemy. The scars upon the world of Shrikar were slow to heal. Over the next five hundred years the people of Shrikar would experience the wars of Arcomages hundreds of times, as mages strove to increase their power and reputations.
You have been challenged, Arcomage! The enemy is at the gates and it is now time to put your skills and tactics to the test. Gather your resources, summon your armies and join the battle!
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V poslednej dobe mi veľmi učarovala hra Gwent, ktorú ste si mohli v zjednodušenej podobne zahrať v treťom dieli Witchera. Vtedy ma napadlo, že by bolo super ak by sme mali podobnú hru aj zo sveta Might and Magic a hľa, ona aj exituje. A to poriadne dlho. Je to Arcomage, hra ktorá sa hrávala v hostincoch hier Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor a Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer.
3DO hru Arcomage dokonca v roku 2000 vydala aj samostatne, kde bola pridaná aj hra viacerých hráčov cez LAN alebo TCP/IP. Princíp hry Arcomage je veľmi jednoduchý. Každý hráč ma k dispozícii hrad a stenu a balíček kariet (deck). Vyhráva ten hráč, ktorý zničí nepriateľský hrad, alebo sám so svojim hradom dosiahne určitú veľkosť. K dosiahnutiu cieľa slúžia hráčom karty, ktoré majú určité funkcie. Nachádzajú sa tu karty útočné, obranné, podporné a karty zvyšujúce zdroje. Každé vytiahnutie karty stojí určitú časť zdrojov, ktoré sa každým kolom dopĺňajú.
POZOR. Hra už je staršieho dáta, aby ste s ju mohli zahrať, treba si otvoriť vlastnosti súboru Arcomage.exe a v sekcii kompatibilita zafajknúť režim zobrazenia Redukovaný režim farieb – 16-bitové farby (65 536).
Arcomage is a minigame included in two installments of the Might and Magic series of fantasy role-playing games. It is included in both Might and Magic VII: For Blood and Honor and Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer. 3DO also released it as a stand-alone game in 2000. In the stand-alone version a single player could play against a computer opponent or two players could play via a LAN or TCP/IP connection. Arcomage is a computer based card game which takes on many of the themes of the game in which it is set. Arcomage is an actual part of the story of the game – in that characters may enter a tavern and play for money. In both games, there is a quest to win a game of Arcomage in every tavern in the land.