Horn of the Abyss download

Platform | Horn of the Abyss |
Version | 1.7.2 |
File Size | 317 MB |
Update | 31.12. 2024 |
Authors | HotA team |
Download (alternative download, WoG Folder) | |
Download (official download) | |
Heroes 3 Complete GOG version (works only with this version) | |
How to install Heroes 3 Horn of the Abyss step-by-step | |
or try WoG Folder – online source of Heroes of Might and Magic mods (not only Heroes 3 mods, but not Heroes 6 😀 ) and various goodies (like “Did you know” series) that I have managed to collect over the last 10 years for everyone who contributes to the running of the Heroes 3.5 Portal. |
Horn of the Abyss version 1.7.2:
[!] Added a new campaign, All In, enriching the story of the Horn of the Abyss. The campaign poses an average challenge
Horn of the Abyss version 1.7.1:
[!] Forged in Fire campaign difficulty on Easy & Normal levels has been significantly reduced
[!] Fixed many bugs in Forged in Fire campaign. Several bugs unintentionally reduced difficulty on higher levels
[!] Some of the critical bugs mentioned below have already been fixed through HD Mod updates
Horn of the Abyss version 1.7.0:
[!] Added the new Factory town and faction, including new heroes, creatures, and outer dwellings
[!] Added the new Forged in Fire campaign dedicated to the Factory. Campaign maps have increased difficulty
[!] Added the campaign editor and support for custom campaigns, new background and region maps for campaigns
Core Horn of the Abyss features:
- New fully playable town — Cove and Factory
- New war machine — Cannon. Available at Cove’s Blacksmith
- New artifacts and artifact sets
- New banks and conservatories
- New types of map objects
- New heroes
- New terrain for Conflux town — Highlands
- New terrain for Factory town — Wastelands
- Towns change their appearance, depending on Fort level
- Map editor
- RMG template editor as well as extended RMG template format
- Support for bigger map sizes (Huge, XHuge and Giant)
- A lot of balance fixes (like finally nerfing the necromancers or making life easier for Tower and Inferno)
- A lot of RMG fixes (for example, removing all sea elements from non-sea random maps)
- A lot of graphical fixes (like, really a lot… original game had plenty of graphical bugs)
Platform and installing:
Horno of the Abyss (HotA) is to be installed on top of the previous HotA version or the original game “Heroes of Might and Magic III: Shadow of Death” or “Complete”. Localization of the original game does not matter.
Attention: HotA is not to be installed on top of “Heroes of Might and Magic III — HD Edition” (from Ubisoft), or on top of “Restoration of Erathia” or “Armageddon’s Blade” HoMM III versions.
If there are issues when performing an automated update of the HD-Mod, you can download the up-to-date installer package from the developer’s website and install it over the old version in the same folder.
My antivir detect downloader.gen (trojan) in your .exe files….. thanks for expirience….
HotA FAQ nr. 29. My antivirus software warns me of potential issues with the installer file, or during updating HotA/HD-mod. Should I be concerned?
No, you should not. Most of the advanced market-leading antivirus suites usually have no issue with these files. Some of the lesser solutions, especially free ones and those developed in China, use the most basic heuristic analysis mechanisms, potentially causing false alarms with applications that in fact do not contain any harmful code. You may refer to virustotal.com and get confirmation that the bulk of existing antivirus programs find our files safe for use.
Has anyone made maps? Like a collection of maps for НоMM3 and expansions?
try this: https://heroes3wog.net/heroes-3-maps-collections-download/
in game (v.1.7.1) I dont see correct growth numbers in towns (in left bottom area). It is bug and if yes, it will be fixed soon?
Sorry i got it. The numbers show actually possible creatures to buy from that town.
Hi Gloom, I’m glad you figured it out yourself, if you want to change it, run HD_Launcher.exe, then Tweaks tab and find = 1 and change 1 to 0.
Hello guys!
This might be stupid but when I download the setup and try to install, it is not accepting the install folder no matter what I pick. It says the folder should contain the original HOMM 3 file but when I pick that folder, the same error message pops up.
I am using the HOOM 3 Complete GOG version downloaded and installed via GOG Galaxy.
Sorry if it is trivial, I’d appreciate some help.
Hi, you must be making a mistake somewhere 🙂 Try installing Heroes 3 Complete from GOG using offline installers, you can find them in the game profile on GOG.com. Then install Heroes 3 in a simple directory such as C:\HoMM3 Complete (do not install the game to). Then continue according to this guide.

Hi all,
i have downloaded v1.7.0 (official download) but i came with 4 trojan horses. WTF is this?!
Oh, how many more times will we deal with this… this is mainly done by AVG, Avast, Avira, Free antiviruses… they falsely mark the file.
Hello ! This update is really great, unfortunately i ve got a problem, When a fight began, the game crash with the message: ” GetSample could not find the “sfx” resource “cnotattk.82M” .
Any helps ?
Thanks a lot !!!!
Hi, did you do a clean install of HotA 1.7? Or did you install on an older version?
zdraví, takže to jde jen ne verzi od GOG ? mam od ubisoftu complet a steam HD a ani do jedny mi to nejde 🙁
Najlepšia je určite GOG verzia, pokiaľ máš verziu od Ubisoftu, ktorá je dostupná na STEAMe, tak tá je ti k ničomu. Je nepoužiteľná. Kúp si Heroes 3 Complete na GOG. Je tam skoro stále za 2,50€.
Zdravím. A co verze HoMaM 3 of Epic Store? Na tu to funguje? Zkoušel někdo? Děkuji
Áno, tá by mala fungovať, ale je potrebné aby NEBOLA inštalovaná v Program Files. Osobne aj tak preferujem GOG verziu, pretože na jej spustenie nepotrebuješ žiadneho klienta.
Maaan, I haven’t played yet, but just downloaded and simply want to say – it’s AMAZING what you guys are doing! As a creative person with plenty of my own projects, I simply have HUGE admiration for your efforts – and I can only imagine the countless hours producing this Factory town and doing all the other HOTA work must take. And not only that – but THE WAY you guys work/release your stuff – is equally if not more admirable. In the modern world where everything is commoditized, commercialized, clickbaity, full of ads, interruptions and all kinds of other things that only frustrate the user, as opposed to making the experience better – the fact that you’re actually here working for free, releasing this stuff for free, all in the spirit of what the world/internet/video games felt like back 20 years ago when i was a kid, back when Heroes first came out – that’s really just incredible and admirable.
Heroes3 was my childhood. There were many sleep-less “sleepovers” at my friend’s place, battling dragons all weekend long hehe. Thank you much for bringing back to life those feelings that I thought were only memories now and would probably never happen again.
I’ll paypal you some beer money – it’s not much but just a little gesture to really show my appreciation!
I can’t download it, it freezes at 99%
Hello, if you could not download the modification, it is probably because your antivirus is blocking the download. This is mainly done by AVG, Avast, Avira… they falsely mark the file and prevent the download.
The computer is broken in HOTA sadly. :/
I downloaded and installed the mod and everything works but I can’t load anything. As soon as I hit the Load button on Single Scenario or Campaign the game crashes. It is not installed in the C: and the OS is Windows 10.
do you have any other mods installed in the folder?
Are you using the Heroes 3 Complete GOG version?
No other mods, using the Heroes 3 Complete version. As I said – the mod itself works, I can play the game, it’s just that every time I try to load a game – it crashes. Happy to send you the log file over the e-mail if you get in touch with me.
Found the issue, it was my fault
Great that you fixed the error. Where was the problem?
I had a language pack mod. Strangely enough it was working whilst playing but it wasn’t working when trying to load. Tried a clean install and adding the mod and it worked.
repeating 20 times and it is not working
I don’t understand, what are you repeating 20 times already? You need to be more specific if you need help.
What magic is God’s Scales foe divine anubians i ask