Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Succession Wars
Heroes of Might and Magic III: The Succession Wars is a total conversion of Heroes III dedicated to the fairy-tale atmosphere and graphic style of its prequel, Heroes II. The modification adds a lot of new content, such as creatures, castles, and artifacts to name a few, and provides fresh gaming impressions as well as a great amount of nostalgic feelings at the same time.
Download |
Succession Wars v0.8.2 |
How to install Heroes III: The Succession Wars mod with HD mod step-by-step |
Heroes 3 Complete GOG version (works only with this version) |
or try WoG Folder – online source of Heroes of Might and Magic mods (not only Heroes 3 mods, but not Heroes 6 😀 ) and various goodies (like “Did you know” series) that I have managed to collect over the last 10 years for everyone who contributes to the running of the Heroes 3.5 Portal. |
The Succession Wars installation
- Install and run ‘H3SW_v0.8.2_Installer.exe’. Install H3SW to a folder with a CLEAN Heroes 3: Shadow of Death or Heroes Complete game (No HotA, no HD Mod, no WoG, no ERA can be installed in that folder already!).
- After the installer have finished go find ‘H3SW_v0.8.2’ in your selected folder and start playing!!
- Pick ‘H3SW – Map Editor’ for the Map Editor tool.
- Optional: You may now install Heroes 3 HD Mod on top of your selected folder, if you wish to play in HD.
If you cannot launch h3sw.exe for some reason on your computer (like getting the WINGRAPH.CPP error), you will also have to use Heroes 3 HD Mod (not Heroes 3 HD Edition).
Can you have this mod installed and just switch to the original homm3 complete hd+ when you want to play the original game? Or do I need to reinstall it?
And since this mod works with hd+ can you start a online game with friends?
Выглядит хорошо и вполне себе ставится на мою версию HoMM3, взятую скорее всего вовсе не с GOG.
Но есть проблема: я решил по старой памяти, как в далёком детстве, запустить карту Broken Alliance на обычной сложности. Если кто помнит, при настройках по умолчанию игрок там начинает с замка у озера в центре карты. Уже на 3 ходу вокруг этой местности начали тусоваться вражеские герои, по трое за один ход.
А на 10 ходу ко мне в замок припёрся чародей с магами из замка волшебников, с чёрным драконом. Где он это раздобыл на ранней стадии – я не понимаю. И что-то я не помню такой активности у компа в оригинальных Героях 2 на этой карте, на этой стадии и сложности.
Насколько я понял, игра делалась под любителей чемпионствовать, или под олимпиадников, в общем под поклонников спорта высших достижений. Чтобы, сталбыть, не получать удовольствие от игры, а душно продумывать каждый шаг, получая по морде. Если вы любитель всякого там Джебуса – играйте в это, а если вы хотите развлечения – лучше возьмите оригинальных Героев 2.
Thank you! I’ve created two maps myself, I’ll create a little map pack soon.
Are there any more map packs?
Hi Edwin.
You can find additional user made maps for H3SW here: https://heroes2.forumactif.com/f43-h3sw-maps
We also converted some classic H2 maps since the v0.8.2 release which you can download from this page: https://heroes2.forumactif.com/t90-h3sw-map-list-work-in-progress
Just click the “Heroes of Might and Magic II – 63 maps:” text and the new maps will appear in blue text with a link to download them.
One of the most comfortable functions is the possibility to replay autobattle if you dont like it. Why did you lose it?
Совершенно бездарное творение, видно что было потрачено много времени но прорисовки, подбор музыки и т.д. просто тяп ляп, не капли стараний и фантазии fheroes2 в этом плане намного лучше и полезнее
Zdar komunito,
nevíte náhodou jestli se dočkáme RMG přímo ve hře? Užívám is H2, ale mapy po čase omrzí. Z toho důvodu teď trávím víc času na H3, ale H2 je přeci jen srdcovka <3
Děkuji za odpověď 🙂
Ahoj, RMG by mal byť dostupný s ďalšími verziami Heroes 2, ale ak by si si chcel vytvoriť náhodné mapy už teraz tak RMG je dostupný v Heroes 2 cez map editor https://youtu.be/6FDDv-DQSJM
Ahoj, nebo stačí pouřít HD mod Launcher (v aktuální verzi) a ten ti to zpřístupní.
Pust to pres hd mid a ten ti nabidne random mapy… Hd mos trochu meni uix 🙂
game should not be installed in either of these 2 locations, 1) not in root directory of harddrive, means c:\HOMM3 – would not work, 2) not in Program files x86 directory.
example which would work – c:\myfolder\HOMM3
I tried it all. Not installed in C, and also tried HD mod. Still same error as mentioned above 🙁
I just can’t make it work. I bought HOMM3 Complete on Gog, installed as said and I still get this error:
Assert violation in file “D:\Soft\Programming\Delphi\Source\SRC\Units\_OLDER_\GameExt.pas” on line 407.
Error at address: $5F118A5.
Try running the game via HD mod. It is not recommended to have Heroes 3 Complete base game installed in C: Program Files.
A new version of the SW modification should be available soon. I’m already waiting for it so that I can then make a better video tutorial.
Just fyi, the animation speed in combat is way to slow, it really hurts the gameplay, would recommend at least doubling it on the fastest setting.
I tried with the new version 0.8.2 and I still get the same error:
Assert violation in file “D:\Soft\Programming\Delphi\Source\SRC\Units\_OLDER_\GameExt.pas” on line 407.
Error at address: $5BD18A5.
I tried to put the hd mod as well and it still doesn’t work. I get the same error. Also tried installing it on another elsewhere and not in C. Same error
Someone have campaign.
campaigns are not yet available
Played around 20 maps, absolutely fantastic expansion. Anyone who likes HoMM2 over HoMM3 will love this since it runs on the HoMM3 engine, which gives a tremendous amount of improvements. I was surprised that I want to play it this much.
It is way more balanced than the original adding one unit and tweaking stats of existing ones. A truly well-made mod.
I can only agree with you. I hope that the development will move on and we will also get the Inferno faction, which is currently missing.
Super ale nemám tam kampaně??Poradí mi někdo jak je tam dát?Díky
Kampane ešte nie sú súčasťou modifikácie, ale pribudnú, aj keď neviem kedy, pretože mod už veľmi dlhú dobu nebol aktualizovaný.
Ak chceš hrať kampane Heroes 2, určite skús toto: https://heroes3wog.net/free-heroes-of-might-and-magic-ii-resurrection/
awesome mod dude! thanks.
Hi, all thanks belong to the authors of the modification, Orzie and his team 🙂