Heroes of Might and Magic V
Heroes of Might and Magic V is the fifth installment of the Heroes of Might and Magic fantasy turn-based strategy video game series. The game was released by Ubisoft in Europe on May 16, and then in the United States and Canada on May 24, 2006, with the publisher guiding Russian studio Nival Interactive in its development. Following the closure of The 3DO Company, Ubisoft bought the rights to the Might and Magic franchise, and used Heroes V as a means to reboot the series with a brand-new setting, called Ashan, and no continuity to previous titles.
In August 2003, Ubisoft acquired the rights to the Might and Magic franchise for USD$1.3 million after 3DO filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy. Ubisoft announced their plan to develop the fifth game in the series under the direction of producer Fabrice Cambounet. This news caused controversy as New World Computing under 3DO had already started making the fifth Heroes game. Although Ubisoft gained access to NWC’s progress on Heroes V (which envisioned it as an isometric 2D game in the Heroes IV engine), it was decided to start over and create a completely new 3D game.
The first Heroes V expansion pack, called Hammers of Fate, was released on November 17, 2006 in Europe and November 24, 2006 in North America. It includes a new race, the Dwarves, who have exclusive access to a new kind of magic, known as Rune Magic. Other features include the much-awaited random map generator and the return of the Heroes IV caravans. This expansion pack requires the full version of Heroes of Might and Magic V to play.
The stand-alone second expansion pack is called The Tribes of the East and was released on October 12, 2007 in Europe and on October 19, 2007 in North America. Tribes of the East includes the new Stronghold faction, alternate upgrades for all units currently in the game (bringing the total number of creatures to 177), as well as new artifacts and spells.
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Heroes of Might and Magic 5 Demo CZ |
Heroes of Might and Magic 5 Demo ENG |
Heroes of Might and Magic 5 Alpha Demo ENG |
Heroes of Might and Magic 5 Bundle (GOG.COM) |
Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 |
Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 is an unofficial expansion pack for Tribes of the East or HOMM5 Complete and a spiritual successor to the popular WOG modification for HOMM3. The pack will include many new adventure objects, new larger battlefields, new heroes, new classes, new specializations, new skills, new artifacts, new adventure spells, new HD textures and a greatly improved RMG with more than 60 ‚visualized‘ Templates. The AI is much more intelligent and calculated much faster. Balance is also greatly improved both for small competitive multiplayer maps as well as crazy XXXL maps with countless epic battles vs Neutrals and AI.
Piaty diel sa dostáva na obrazovky v roku 2006, už dávno po krachu NWC. Taktovky sa ujala firma UbiSoft (neprajníci hovoria, že odvtedy to ide so sériou dolu vodou). Za novým pokračovaním Heroes série stál Nival. Najväčšou novinkou ktorú Heroes 5 priniesla bolo 3D zobrazenie, absolútne logická voľba, aby séria prilákala nových hráčov. Ja osobne stále preferujem prehľadné 2D, ktoré sa aspoň čiastočne vrátilo v Heroes 7.
Zo statických 2D obrazoviek miest sa stali veľkolepé 3D modely, ktoré sú ale po čase ignorované, nakoľko len zdržujú. Piaty diel vrátil niektoré pôvodné mechanizmy hry, ktoré boli vo štvrtom dieli zmenené, ako napr. nakupovanie jednotiek po týždňoch, každú jednotku bolo možné vylepšiť (s datadiskom dokonca 2x), hrdina sa nezúčastňoval boja, kombinované artefakty atď. S 3D grafikou prišla aj hardwarová daň, už ste si nezahrali na akomkoľvek priemernom PC, na ktorom bolo možné hrať tretí, prípadne štvrtý diel.
Bojov sa zúčastňuje 8 frakcií: Academy (Tower), Dungeon, Haven (Castle), Inferno, Necropolis, Sylvan (Rampart), Fortress (úplne nová frakcia trpaslíkov) a Stronghold. Fortress a Stronghold sa do hry dostali až s datadiskami Hammers of Fate a Tribes of the East.
Pre Heroes V existuje tiež veľa modifikácií z ktorých najväčšia Heroes 5.5 je duchovný nástupca Heroes 3.5: In the Wake of Gods. Zaujímavou modifikáciou je aj Sanctuary mod, ktorý do hry prináša novú frakciu, vodné mesto, ktoré obývajú hlavne nagy. K Heroes 5.5 je k dispozícii aj výborný český preklad, takže už nič nebráni tomu, si tento neoficiálny datadisk poriadne zahrať.
Zaujímavé modifikácie Heroes 5
Heroes 5.5 |
Čeština pre Heroes 5.5 |
Sanctuary – nové mesto, žiaľ iba v poľskom jazyku |