ERA Scripts v1.40 update + ReMagic mod
Era Scripts is a mod/script-pack that adds many additional features/options to the game. New options are on the last two tabs of the “WoG Options” menu. The mod can be run with or without an HD mod.
To run the mod requires ERA platform version 2.7 or newer. The mod works on top of the basic WoG mod, full compatibility with other mods (except those that change graphics/interface elements) is not guaranteed.
Since version 1.37, the mod contains the ReMagic mod option. In order to avoid conflicts, do not forget to disable a separate ReMagic mod if you used it. For correct mod work, before installing, you need to remove the previous version of the mod (delete the “Mods\ERA scripts Eng” directory).
There are about 7 duplicate scripts that appear in this mod from the WoG Revised mod. 4 scripts of which will cause the display of these scripts to be slightly cut off on the second page. Be sure to either disable WoG Revised or edit zsetup01.txt in wog revised.pac at C:\…\…\(Heroes 3 location)\Mods\WoG Revised\Data to not display “fast troop placement”, “gnoll marauders strike first”, “distant death stare” and “the grand maneuver”.
You can write about errors or inaccuracies of the translation at
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ERA Scripts v1.40 |
i don’t know hot to install this mod … can u help me pls ?
Just copy erm_hooker.era from \Mods\WoG\EraPlugins to \Mods\ERA Script Eng\EraPlugins and it is working all right.
Just tested it with ERA 2.9.5
Yep! Same problem here 🙁
Hi Crang and Kristo, unfortunately it is so, also many other modifications are not compatible with 2.9.3 version… we need to wait a while for updates.
This mod crash on 2.9.3