ERA 3 Launcher edition v2.931 update changelog

ERA 3 Launcher will help you quickly install and run these 3 modifications: In the Wake of Gods (ERA 3), Horn of the Abyss (HotA) and Master of Puppets (MoP). Please update game via “game control”.
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#ERA ERM Framework:
– Fixed variables value i^battle_isVisible^ and i^battle_isQuick^ for pvp combats;
#ERA Scripts:
+ Added script to remove buttons for unused “Peons” and “Bank” options;
– Removed extra code;
+ Dragon Towns: added “Build Grails Everywhere” map rule compatibility;
* Flesheater: Optimised the code so that the script is less likely to conflict with 3rd party scripts – thanks to Archer30;
* Correct the order of battle log displays of a few creature scripts – thanks to Archer30;
+ Improved the compatibility of Sharpshooters and Wraiths Blocking – thanks to Archer30;
* Fixed Buckler of Beelzebub not giving Dimension Door – thanks to Archer30;
#WoG Graphics Fix:
+ Mod is updated up to 2.14 version – thanks to Grossmaster;
– removed crossing swords awattack.def;
#Advanced Classes Mod:
* changed NPC in combat description hook – thanks to PerryR;
+ Added rank icons for hero army slots in Trainer interface – thanks to Trebuchet.
#Game Enhancements Mod:
+ Now upgrade creatures cost hint shows cost only if upgrade is available;
+ Now timer shows current seconds also and doesn’t override original game date message;
+ Added hint to display army in the Refugee Camp. Displayed number of creatures and cost. If non-ally player visits same camp this week, hint shows last known visited creatures number;
+ Added real fix of the all War Machines melee attack;
* Fixed displaying of the creature banks hints by clicking on the hidden map area;
+ Now if BattleSpeed Mod is active in gosolo mod combat animation speed become 9 instead of 2;
+ Now Message about Astral Spirit Commander taking army away isn’t displayed before combat but replaced into combat log. It made to decrease number of annoying messages and fix PvP combat desynchronization
+ Now Message about Brute Gold bonus displayed in the info panel window;
+ Added functions to quickly set/unset hooks by address/Function Name !?FU(gem_SetHookAt);!?FU(gem_UnsetHookAt);
+ Now in gosolo mode anycombat should be in automatic mode;
+ Now Spell Research Script works as native mage guild click instead of blocking it, also now it blocks spells for SoD campaign, where Solmyr can’t learn spells;
* Renamed all gem_DlgItem_## functions to make it standard type;
+ Added screen refresh after leaving creatures at adventure map;
+ Updated prima.dll plugin – thanks to MOP;
+ Updated all plugins and scripts text;
#WoG Scripts:
+ Map Rules – rewritten the whole script:
+ Now logic runs only once;
+ Host does select options and send data to remote players so they accept and execute them immediately;
+ Now code is flexible to be changed anytime;
– removed ert, now text is in json;
+ Enhanced Commanders – rewritten the whole script:
+ Now all NPC dlg texts are taken from another znpc00a.txt;
– removed ert, text now is in json;
– removed “Living” flag from commanders, so no more Death Stare/Lycan affection;
+ Now all pictures displayed properly and no more skills removing during combat;
+ Increased Commanders stats per skill level;
+ Added new ability graphics – thanks to Grossmaster;
+ Added full PvP support;
– Random Hero: removed doubled sound of the disappearing defeated hero;
* Sorcery Skill Enhancement: Fixed ability to visit object not at own turn but added ability to read more info and map hints;
* Hero Specialization Boost: Fixed breaking actions order and PvP desynchronization. Now casting is available only per own creatures turn;
* Enhanced War Machines: fixed opportunity to control remote player tent. Fixed First Aid Tent disappearing with option “War Machines Capture”;
– Death Chamber: removed in-combat creature renaming, fixed greeting message creature name;
* Added real fix of the all War Machines melee attack;
+ Castle Upgrading: now extended growth dlg is displayed by clicking on the creature growth text in town dlg;
* Enhanced monsters: fixed not resetting speed of the HellBaron;
– Replaced some memory hooks to increase performance;
– Removed unused constants;
+ Improved the localization of Eagle Eye II – thanks to Archer30;
* Changed the way of Metamorph’s transformation so it can be compatible with the latest Amethyst – thanks to Archer30;
* Fixed the description of Josephine’s speciality with Rebalanced Heroes enabled: She’s only able to upgrade Obsidian Gargoyle and Stone Golems to Iron Golems – thanks to Archer30;
#WoG Scripts
* Fixed a critical error when map start with the “Warfare” option;