VCMI 1.3 released – focused on player feedback and user experience
VCMI project doesn’t stop! In release 1.3 team focused on player feedback and user experience. This includes quality-of-life GUI improvements and fixing issues that could spoil the look and feel of beloved Heroes game. Major improvements include:
Scalable user interface
GUI size can be freely changed without exiting the game. Also, VCMI now offer smooth map zoom – that’s something certainly no other platform allows.
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VCMI 1.3 |
Heroes 3 Complete GOG version (works only with this version) |
VCMI Discord Channel |
or try WoG Folder – online source of Heroes of Might and Magic mods (not only Heroes 3 mods, but not Heroes 6 😀 ) and various goodies (like “Did you know” series) that I have managed to collect over the last 10 years for everyone who contributes to the running of the Heroes 3.5 Portal. |
Touchscreen improvements
Mobile players, who turned out to be a majority of our userbase, will appreciate GUI improvements targeted at touchscreen devices. This includes radial menu for army management, swipe and pinch gesture support, as well as haptic feedback.
Random Map Generator
RMG got a number of improvements and fixes, based on suggestions of PvP community and random map experts. All options from original Shadow of Death are supported, but we also added some more for extra flexibility. About every aspect of map generation was improved.
Improved Adventure AI
NKAI got significant boost. Not only does it play better in general, but also many existing issues and loopholes were found and fixed. Now AI does exactly what it was meant to do, that is to pose a challenge to human player.
Fixed Campaigns
Now they work correctly and are fully playable, from start to finish. However, be aware that game saves from older versions are not supported.
HoTA map support
VCMI can now load and run Horn of the Abyss maps. They provide some decent content for single player enthusiasts.
There are many, many other improvments in different areas – make sure to see changelog.
The project is constantly moving forward. For the next release we plan to focus on PvP playability.
Zdravím, po tom ako som si naištaloval VCMI 1.3 podľa návodu (starý 1.2 som vymazal zo všadiaľ), tak mi nefunguje vôbec Random MAP. Vyhodí mi kopu error messages po stlačení “Begin” a po kliknutí na “OK” na jeden z nich, ma vráti na úvodný screen. Takisto keď som začal hrať originálnu mapu mi vyhodilo error na začiatku bitky a hru zaseklo keď som mal artifakt Dragonhearth (zrejme nevedelo draka privolať). Mám nainštalované rovnaké mody ako v predchádzajúcej verzii a tam mi to nerobilo…ďakujem za pomoc
Ahoj, musíš ešte aktualizovať cez VCMI Launcher modifikáciu VCMI extras a VCMI essential files.
díky, pozrel som na tie dva a pri oboch mi nedáva možnosť aktualizovať, takže asi to mám aktualizované. Skúsil som aj VCMI extras odinštalovať a nainštalovať späť, ale efekt bol len ten že mi nevyhodilo chybu, iba mi nespustilo hru. Skúsim to preinštalovať a nebudem tam dávať HoTA a ERA, že či to pôjde. Lebo to je jediné čo som spravil inak…
už mi to ide po preinštalovaní…neviem síce ktorý mod alebo čo to spôsobilo, ale vynechal som niektoré veci a funguje to