Third Upgrades mod v2.7.3 – new Creature Banks and units and many more

What does Third Upgrades mod contain? [+] 98 New Creatures, [+] 60 New Artifacts, [+] Various decorative objects that are generated in RMG, [+] 20 new Dwellings, [+] 20 new Creature Banks. (Only in ERA 3)
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Third Upgrade Mod |
works with ERA Gaming Build |
Third Upgrades mod v2.7.3 changelog:
- Hates have been organized and fixed, both in stack experience and .cfg files.
- Terrible Hydras’s regeneration was nerfed, due to him being nearly invincible in 1v1 combat. Fire Paladin’s fire shield was put in .cfg, it no longer has a different fire shield than the others.
- The immunities of the third upgrade elementals was fixed just like their predecessors.Amethyst and Emerald updated
- New Amethyst feature “isAimedCaster” now the creatures that attack with spells from large areas (like fireball, inferno, frost ring), can be selected the exact place where they want to cast by pressing F just like Faeries Dragon.
- Updated list of banned scripts for TUM, and “option 730 – single-slot composite artifacts” has been completely nullified from the mod.
- Removed extra “%” from Third Upgrade.json.
- Blocked AI effect from ET (Thanks to Archer).
- Fixed the problem that Pit Master couldn’t raise demons due to lack of cast.
- The problem with the Necromancy has been resolved, it can now be used again in TUM.
- Improved Arctic Sharpshooters and Lava Sharpshooters.
- The first CB with variants has been released (it has 4 tiers of which once a certain tier is cleared, you will get an artifact of the same type but better). Content officially released previously in The Tides of War.
- An additional artifact added
- Fixed the descriptions of some artifacts
- The problem with OP Fire Shield has been fixed once again. I will do everything possible so that it does not happen again.
- Added 2 new def variants for WoG chests (the first one that is green was extracted from WoG fix, and the second one I did it myself merging both chests, the green one and the original red one).
This is the most optimized version to date, if you find any anomaly I will only accept reports with the last Assembly update, the last ACM update and with the TUM files intact without suffering alterations by third parties.
There will be no more updates in a while because I fulfilled another of my goals which is to add all the ToW content to TUM.
The next update will focus on another content implementation.
I played Shadow of Death campaigns with Third Upgrades Mode v2.8.7 but the heroes’ experiences, skills and levels are not carried over to the next scenario. The heroes are reset to level 1 with default skills at the beginning of each new scenario.
I dont use any other mods, except some default ones like WoG Animated, ERA scripts ENG, and WoG Scripts.
Does anyone know how to fix this? Thanks
when I upgrade my city to have upgraded units the game just freeze :/
No it does not freeze. Depending on your HD-Mod graphic mode you get an invisible screen, so just hit enter once you build the special building (also moving the mouse over the picture you will see it flashing).
Or change your graphic mode in HD Launcher.
How do I upgrade units?
I installed era 3 but when I try opening a map with h3wmaped.exe it appears this error:
“Exception EconvertError in module h3wmapedpatch.dll at 00008B6A”.
The map opens but with lots of error.
How could I fix it?
Hi Zinja, install ERA Gaming build ( )and use WOG map editor from it. You won’t find a better editor.
hey, was wondering if you could please post a link to version 2.7 as I am having the same issue with resurrection
Version 2.7.0 added . Sorry for some reason, your comments were in spam.
could you please post the older version here? also having the crashing issue whenever I want to ressurect
Version 2.7.0 added . Sorry for some reason, your comments were in spam.
Crash every time when cast Resurrection spell.
This spell works for me, do you have any other modifications installed?
I agree to John. I use third upgrades mod v2.7.3 and crash ever time when cast animate dead and ressurection spells.
Advanced Classes Mod also installed
John, the crash with Resurrection spell is caused by TUM 2.73
Please use an older version until the bug is fixed. Maybe 2.6 or 2.70
Thank you!
could you post the older version? im having the exact same issue
Heroes dont earn exp when using this mod version
I tested the modification and as you can see, they get EXP here: do you have any other modifications installed?
Advanced Classes Mod v1.055 update (ERA 3),ERA Gaming Build update v1.36.036 (Wake of Gods)
Hi, try turn off Advaced Classes mod.
This last TUM update is killing me 😀
Okay to avoid the zero exp bug please update ACM to version 1.056