Fanstratics – Update #21 – Elven Centaur, Art Mock-up and COVID update

Fanstratics Troop: Elven Centaur.
While the Elven Centaur is the Thornwood’s only true ‘heavy’ Troop, it is relatively fast and agile when compared to other ‘heavies’ from other factions. Wielding a two-handed axe, this Troop has a Killer Instinct and a Slayer’s Instinct, and frequently chains together multiple Assaults before an Enemy can Retaliate. With high Luck and high Morale, the Elven Centaur’s ‘instincts’ can be surprisingly powerful.
I’ve said this before, but I really like seeing Justin tackle a common mythological stereotype. He could have delivered an Eleven Centaur looking like so many others… but he didn’t. This is why I’m so happy having him design these Troops. His interpretations are simply refreshing, and it’s getting harder-and-harder to pick a favorite.
Fanstratics – Update #20 – battlefield tank Paladin and Experience Potions
Fanstratics News: Art Mock-up and COVID update.
Some of you may remember, in December of 2021, I wrote an item discussing the attempted creation of an Art Mock-up, and subsequently contracting COVID for the second time in two years. TLDR… the Art Mock-up is still on hold and my COVID has evolved into Long COVID (or Long Haul COVID).
Starting with the subject of Long COVID, I’ve taken different anti-biotics, different steroids, and used different inhalers. Nothing has worked. I’ve had blood tests, EKG’s, chest x-rays, and CT scans. All tests have come back ‘clean’. My doctors have only managed to rule out other causes, thus confirming the Long COVID hypothesis. At this time, there’s no ‘cure’ for Long COVID, there’s nothing my doctors can do for me, and I’ve grown tired of the office visits, dead ends, and lost funds. So, I’ve resigned myself to living with it.
April will mark the fifth month of symptoms, and I continue to have a persistent cough, shortness of breath, chest pains, heart palpitations, headaches, low grade fevers, and worst of all… fatigue and brain fog. On good days, I have about two… three… maybe four hours… before I am overcome, and I’ve read accounts from people still dealing with symptoms after 6… 9… 14… and 18 months. When will it end? I honestly don’t know.
Does this mean Fanstratics is on hold or canceled? Absolutely not. While development has slowed significantly, we continue to work. Will we crowd fund this year? Highly unlikely, but I’m crossing my fingers for next year.
As for the Adventure Map Mock-up, I have had difficulty finding a qualified replacement for the artists who stepped aside last year. I was talking to a strong candidate, from Russia, but he disappeared when the war in Ukraine broke out.It wasn’t my intention to build a video game during a worldwide pandemic or potential world war… but this is the strange reality in which we find ourselves.
Fanstratics Question: What factions are planned in the event of the release of additions (or how they will look approximately)?
Assuming FST is successful, there are at two or three other factions I would like to add. As to the factions themselves, I have a concept for each, but I haven’t done any deep work on them (i.e. rosters, heroes, etc.).
Fanstratics is currently in pre-alpha production. For future updates, please subscribe to newsletter.
- Elven Centaur
- Cyclops Siege Breaker
- Gatorkin Caster
- Medusa Vanguard
- Gnoll Spear Thrower
- Troll Witch
- Feral Vampire
- Elfin Sharpshooter
- Dwarven Hammersmith
- Human Cavalier
- Bile Worm
- Angel
- Clockwork Gremlin
- Forest Dragon
- Lich
- Mammoth Bone Crusher
- Gawker
- Hell Hound
- Snakish Brigand
- Ramfolk Headhunter
- Paladin