The Glory of War v1.3 got a release date: 1st of June!
After two years passed from the previous Glory of War 1.2 update, this new version has a lot of new features, small corrections here and there and most importantly a lot of new creatures and objects. With the rise of such excelent mods as Tides of War and Horn of the Abyss, the Community is now filled with great new creature concept and animations. Full credits go to the teams that made these great graphics! Author of modification is Hero_of_Light.
So, there are a lot to expect on this new version of Glory of War mod, like:
As you can see the 4 God creatures from WoG are now fully functional creatures that can actually participate in the battle. They work and look like Forge creatures, since that the Ancients and aliens is part of the lore afteral, so adding even just these 4 new technologically themed creatures would be a nice touch. Tarnum will become technologically enhanced for a few scenario maps!
There are 4 new combination artifacts in this update, pushing the grand total to 28! Most of the same-themed artifacts will now combine in new ones!
A brand new feature of Glory of War mod is a complete new set of Commander creatures that are actually playable as normal creatures as well, with unique abilities and stats! These creatures were added to the list of already over 30 new creatures found in mod!
There’s a lot more going on in GoW mod and even the small details are too many to actually list them. For now, author decided to make a new mini-series of youtube videos which will demonstrate as many of the new features on a custom-made map!
Here’s the first episode, I hope you like it!