How to install Heroes 3 ERA Gaming build

(OUTDATED) ERA Gaming build contains the latest version of ERA v2.9.14, HD mod 5.0 RC89, ERA Scrips v1.46, XXL maps mod, Battle Heroes mod, Unleashed Map Editor and BattleQueue mod in one installation package!
New version of ERA Gaming bild v1.33 is avalible here.
ERA Gaming build v1.31 | |
Heroes 3 Complete GOG version ( |
Step 1. – Installation of Heroes 3 Complete
For the installation it is required to have Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete from GOG.COM installed on your computer. Do not use s*itty RIP versions from the internet!
An important step is choosing the right destination folder where Heroes 3 Complete is installed. Click on the “Browse” button and click your way to the Heroes 3 Complete folder. I have my game installed directly on the C drive c:\gog gamess\HoMM 3 Complete. Do not install the game in a “Program Files” folder. Click “Install”.
Step 2. – ERA Gaming build installation
Download and run installation package, then select Heroes 3 Complete folder. Do not install this build on already installed versions of WoG or HotA. Click “Install” button.
Step 3. – ERA Start Menu
After a successful installation, the ERA Start Menu appears automatically. If not, you can launch it from the Desktop. Click Mod Manager.
Step 4. – Mod Manager
After the correct installation of version 1.31, Mod Manager will look exactly like this! You can enable XXL map modification to play huge maps. Close Mod manager.
Step 5. – HD Mod
The next step is to set the HD mod. Click HD-mod settings. Set your desired resolution and click Play. Press F4 to toggle between full screen or windowed mode.
Step 6. – WoG Options
Next, it’s up to you how to set up the game using WoG Options. You can be inspired by the settings I use:
for problems like this you can come visit our Discord server
it will be easier to help you there.
After saving and reloading a game I have now been getting the following error:
ResourceManager::GetBitmap816 could not find the ‘bitmap8’ resource
It does not prevent play, but does pop up about 2-3 times per minute. The thumbnail picture of my hero on the right side movement panel still appears correctly (I believe it is overwritten for this particular map), but the picture on the heroes inventory screen, in a town, or in the very bottom right corner panel is now incorrect and looks like some sort of default brightly colored error image. Is there a place in a file(s) somewhere I could go correct a path name in order to potentially fix this?
I did an image back-up as well as copy of the original folder, just in case. Then I followed steps 2-5 above and so far all seems to be working. I did not see any new scenarios installed (are there any?) and my splash screen at open still says Shadow of Death though with different images and not In the Wake of Gods (should it change?), but when I started a new single-player game I found some maps with the eye symbol and have started one called A Dragon In My Heart. A week into game play things have gone smoothly so far so at least some scripts seem to be working. I will try to report back again after playing through some full maps both single and multi player to give it a good test.
you can just make a backup of your complete H3 folder and then try to install it. So there is no risk.
Report back if it works.
I have an original Heroes III Complete CD already installed (we’ve played for years as a couple) under the Program Files (x86) folder, a h310 to 14.exe patch put on it, and then he Heroes3 HD HD+ launcher that we actually use to run the game installed to the same folder. We just recently realized that other add-ons exist. In order to try WoG in the installation steps above you mention that you need to use the gog version, but will our orignial version+patch work instead so we don’t need to repurchase it? And do we really have to start over and reinstall it to a different folder or can we use the install we’ve already got?
can you install the version you find on hereos 3 community and try again please?
(you can take Lite and install over or take full and install in new clean folder)
I’ve installed this version on a clean H3 complete…. I can play built in maps…
but when I try to play an RMG the game crash…. (even with default WoG options….)
plz help
James Meadows
if you expand your monitor that can happen. you can start from the folder.
did you select the correct .exe? try different ones in your H3 game folder. Try compatibility modes.
I installed the game and the Gaming Build as described above, but the game executable won’t start. Until Step 5 everything is OK, the HD Launcher appears, I set up the resolution, and when I press Play nothing happens.
I followed the steps precisely, and the game was bought from GOG, so it’s official and clean. Do you have any advices? Thank you in advance!
Hi KingPin,
you are not the first to have such a problem, today or tomorrow i will look into it.
Hello! I have installed the game as described but when the ERA Start Menu open, I can’t see it. The icon is visible at the bottom of the screen to show the program is open but I can’t interact with it. The program won’t display on the screen so I can select anything.
What should I do?
Please help me!
I installed the game as it in the description, i got the exact same mod manager screen like in your screenshot so, everything is fine!
What is my problem that the quick combat does not works. Its enabled in the system options, but still there is no quick combat, just the normal combat. Im a veteran WOG player, i just had to delete my old version of wog and installed this new one, and no quick combat, which is very annoying.
Kindly help me, what i’m missing???
Hi Tercinator, in the new version of ERA gaming build, you will find new icons in the game interface (see picture), if you don’t have them there, you have the old version installed.

Thank you so much
jak dostanu jiné jednotky do hry? např. sharpshooter atd?
Táto jednotka normálne v hre je. Kde by si ju chcel? Mať ju v hrade?
no jasné.. viděl jsem hromady gameplayů kde mají rasy jiné jednotky..
místo elfů sharpshootery, místo mágů enchantery atd..
Aha, jasné, tak to si potom stiahni Third Upgrades mod: tam je 60 nových jednotiek a 50 nových artefaktov.
Nazdar Martin, súbor je v poriadku, ale tvoj antivírus ho chybne deteguje ako podozrivý, tak ho radšej zmaže. Predpokladám že používaš nejakú free alternatívu ako Avast, AvG, McAfee… súbor je samozrejme čistý, bez akýchkoľvek vírusov alebo malware.
Takže pokiaľ si chceš ERA Gaming build nainštalovať, musíš ho na chvíľu vypnúť, teda pokiaľ stiahneš a nainštaluješ súbor, potom môžeš antívirus zapnúť.
Je zaujímavé že po inštalácie už zo súborom takéto antivírusy nemajú problém…
Dik za radu.. vše funguje.. jen možná blbý dotaz.. jak dostanu jiné jednotky do hry? např. sharpshooter atd?
Can you activate Simultaneous turns in Era 2?
Is there a way I can add a new Town, like Bastion, to Homm 3 Wog – and then play it using simultaneous turns?
No dobře. A teď teda rozdíl mezi ERA a VCMI?
Když budu chtět hrát Heroes III – WOG včetně všech těch krásných modifikací, které jsou v ERA, pak aby tam byla nová města, zároveň, aby nenahradila ta původní, tak mám tedy zkusit instalovat VCMI?
Nebo to chápu špatně?
Zdarec borci,
hele možná už tady tato otázka padla. Proč ještě nikdo neimportoval další města do ERA modifikace? Resp. VCMI má neustále nová města, ale do ERA nepřibývají. Jen se občas nějaké stávající nahradí. Což je škoda.
Nazdar, ono odpoveď je veľmi ľahká, vytvoriť nové mesto pre VCMI je oveľa oveľa jednoduchšie, ako ho pripraviť pre ERA a aj keď ho po dlhom čase pripravíš pre ERA tak musí nahradiť niektoré zo základých, ako napr. v modifikácii Forgotten Fields:
Cauko, praveze nepouzivam ani AVG ani Avast (oba su dost zle :D), pouzivam BitDefender ktory je naopak velmi dobry, ale je mozne, ze je niekedy az paranoidny tak blokuje vsetko 😀
Oukej tak to skusim, snad mi neukradnes nahe fotky 😀
😀 😀 tak hádam sa k takým fotkám nedostanem 😀
ALe takto, falošné správy sú spôsobené hlavne tým, že modifikácie sú kompilované v jazykoch, ktoré sú používané aj hackermi, takže preto ich shittné antivírusy ako avg a avast hneď nahlásia. Ja mám (v práci :D) ESET a všetko ide bez problémov.
Ono mozno by si to mohol davat do zipov a tak uploadovat, akonahle som si to importol do svojho mega a stiahol v zipe tak to nehlasilo ziadne falosne poplachy
Máš asi pravdu, ale budem to musieť nejako poriešiť. Ďakujem.
Zdravim, antivirus mi hadze ze je v tom builde skryty trojan…virustotal mal 9 pozitivnych hladani…
Nazdar Appenius, áno to sa stáva, predpokladám že používaš free verziu AVG, alebo Avast… pokiaľ sťahuješ z tejto stránky, všetky súbory sú čisté.
Mal by som o tom spraviť samostatný článok, že prečo niektoré antivírusy falošne označujú tieto súbory ako trojany.