Winners: Heroes III – Fantasy Lineup Contest

If you are bored these days, I have prepared a simple competition to make it more pleasant. Your task is to compile your dream lineup of creatures from Heroes III. Easy, though? Most popular can win original games from GOG.COM.
- you can use creatures from Heroes III Complete, Horn of the Abyss and WoG
- you have to pick only one from each level
- you can use neutral creatures, except Azure, Crystal, Rust, Faerie dragon, Dracolich and units level 8 from WoG
- write your lineup in the comments, then I create the graphics as in the picture
- every lineup will be uploaded to this Facebook album
- the most popular will be rewarded at the end of April
- optional: you can add a short description of why you chose these creatures for your fantasy lineup
Hello! I hope you are well.
I wanted to ask about how to vote in this contest.
Thank you in advance.
Hi Katy,
you can vote here:
My Units:
My Favourite units:
1 -Master Gremlin
2- Marksman
3- Grand Elf
4- Arch Mage
5- Power Lich
6- Cyclops King
7- Titan
My Favourite units:
1 -Master Gremlin
2- Harpy Hag
3- Grand Elf
4- Vampire Lord
5- Thunderbird
6- Efreet Sultan
7- Phoenix
1- Master Gremlins
2- Marksman
3- Grand Elves
4- Medusa Queens
5- Power Liches
6- Cyclops King
7- Titans
My favourite line-up based on HotA units:
Level 1: Rogue
Level 2: Storm Elemental
Level 3: Cerberus
Level 4: Vampire Lord
Level 5: Mighty Gorgon
Level 6: Naga Queen
Level 7: Ancient Behemoth
Hi Pointer, Rogue is level 2 unit, you need new one.
1. Pixie – they are fast
2. magogs – can deal damage for some enemies
3. Sea dogs – they deal big damage
4. Vampire lord – vampirism
5. Master genie – they can good effects for other units
6. King cyclops – range atack
7. Archangels – they are best)))
3.Wood Elf
4.Vampire Lord
7.Red Dragon
In my opinion, I think there should be more categories / awards. That is, not only the most popular.
Hi Katytoperrito,
you’re right, I’ll come up with two more categories. Do you have any idea?
Creatures you don’t want to meet on the dark way home from the pub:
Skeleton Warrior
Harpy Hag
Black Knight
Black Dragon
Thx for creating the contest 🙂
Having played HOMM3 since its release back in 1999 and the WOG, HOTA, MYTHOLOGY, MASTER OF PUPPETS, LORD & Variations on VCMI, my selection is as follows:
1: Skeleton Warriors
2: Harpy Hags
3: Grand Elves
4: Master Vampires
5: Naga Queens
6: Dread Knights
7: Black Dragons
My favourite Towns in order are:
1: Bastille
2: Fortress
3: Necropolis
4: Dungeon
5: Stronghold
6: Rampart
7: Tower
8: Castle
9: Inferno
Hi Michelangelo, Naga and Dread Knights are same level. You need new level 5 unit.
True. Hadn’t realised. Thanks
1: Skeleton Warriors
2: Harpy Hags
3: Grand Elves
4: Master Vampires
5: Master Liches
6: Dread Knights
7: Black Dragons
It’s Easter. I am not hungry, but here we have some Beefy lineup.
1. Centaur Soldiers (Horse meat)
2. Cove Tier 2, that I don’t remember (Salt and dog (?) meat)
3. Royal Gryphon (Chicken breasts)
4. Horned Demon (Demon Goat meat… and milk)
5. Demigorgon (BEEF)
6. Nix Warrior (Some Reptile meat?)
7. Phoenix (Hot wings)
Hi Kindless, with tier 2 you mean Seamen 😀 or Sead Dog (level 3)?

The Dream:
lvl 1: Centaur Captain
lvl 2: Marksman
lvl 3: Grand Elf
lvl 4: Vampire Lord
lvl 5: Master Genie
lvl 6: Cyclops King
lvl 7: Archangel
Versatility and sustainability
Dream Team:
lvl 1: Master Gremlin
lvl 2: Wolf Raider
lvl 3: Dragon Fly
lvl 4: Vampire Lord
lvl 5: Minotaur King
lvl 6: Cyclops King
lvl 7: Phoenix
Thanks, your lineup is here:
Já mám celkem jasno, motivace pro výběr je jednoduchá, udělal jsem to tak, aby to bylo co nejvíce OP:
1. Ghost (from destroyed city)
2. Storm Elemental
3. Sea Dog
4. Vampire lord
5. Mighty Gorgon
6. Nightmare
7. Titan
Nazdar Sid, rovnako ako Yogg, v tvojom lineupe je Ghost, ktorý je ale level 3, musíš ho niečím nahradiť.
WoG jednotky:
Omlouvám se, měl jsem za to, že je to jednička podle statů (má je horší než Centaur Captain).
No v tom případě Centaur Captain nemá konkurenci, tak volím jeho.
Chtěl jsem hlavně mít dobré range jednotky ale zároveň bez postihů na blízko a k tomu i silný jednotky na blízko (přemýšlel jsem že přidám i Ghost ale to by bylo moc op a Werewolf ale to by byl chaos, ale určitě sranda 😀 ), takhle mi to vyhovuje, je to celkem dost silný, ale co, legie skeletonů to stejně pozabije. 😀
1. Santa Gremlin
2. Wolf Raider
3. Sea Dog
4. Lava Sharpshooter
5. Fangarm
6. Enchanter
7. Juggernaut
EN translation – I wanted to have mainly good range units but without melee penalty and at the same time strong melee units (I was thinking about adding Ghost but that would be too op, and also about Werewolf, but there would be such chaos in the battlefield..on the other hand, it would be fun I bet :D) this lineup suits me well, it is quite strong, but whatever, a legion of skeletons will kill it. 😀 (:
Nazdar Yogg, ďakujem za lineup, len mám k nemu 2 výhrady 😀 Santa Gremlin je level 2 a Juggyho tie neviem zaradiť do súťaže, lebo nemám jeho štatistiky.Musíš tieto dve jednotky zmeniť.
Snazil som sa vyberat tak, aby som nemal dve jednotky rovnakeho lvlu, ale aby isli naozaj postupne. Dokonca sa mi podarilo vybrat kazdu jednotku z ineho hradu. Tak isto je kazda jednotka “jednopolickova”.
Su to jednotky v brneni, resp. zbroji s bojovou zbranou na blizko (mec, sekera, kopia…), taka moja osobna armada. 🙂
My lineup: Armored Soldiers
lvl 1: Skeleton Warrior
lvl 2: Battle Dwarf
lvl 3: Orc Chieftain
lvl 4: Crusader
lvl 5: Minotaur King
lvl 6: Nix Warrior
lvl 7: Titan
Eng. translation:
I tried not to have 2 units of the same lvl. I even managed to choose each unit from different town. Also each unit takes just one hex.
Description: All of them are units in armor with melee (close combat) weapon like sword, axe, spear… My personal army. 🙂
Nazdar Nokik, máme veľmi podobné cítenie 😀 čo sa týka levelu 4,5,6 🙂
SI aj na FB? aby som ťa vedel pridať do albumu?
Ano, aj som to postol na FB stranku, takze si to najdes aj tam. 🙂