Tag Archive: Cosplay
Cosplay: Mephala the Ranger
Trained in the ranks of the Erathian Military, Mephala was a genius when it came to using terrain to her advantage in battle. She resigned her commission several years ago, preferring the quiet serenity of AvLee to the bustle of the cities of Erathia….
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Cosplay: Prykon Fantasy Festival Poland 2019
Multigenre Fan Convention Pyrkon, commonly known as Pyrkon, is a Polish fan convention held annually in Poznań on the first weekend after the spring equinox and dedicated to an integration of Science fiction fandom and a promotion of science-fiction/fantasy literature,…
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Cosplay: Shaman (Heroes 5)
Opäť podarený cosplay, tentokrát je to šamanka z Heroes 5. Ide o ruskú cosplayerku, ktorá si hovorí Oichi.
Cosplay: Catherine Ironfist #2 update
Cosplay: Sprite, Gelu and Troglodyt
Po parádnom cosplay kráľovnej Catharine Inronfist, tu máme hneď tri nové. Prvá je jednotka hradu Conflux Sprite v podaní slečny Atai, ďalej ženskú verziu hrdinu Gelua v podaní PreyaMcFly a nakoniec Troglodyt v podaní neznámeho cosplayera. Cosplay: Catherine Ironfist