Horn of the Abyss new campaign confirmed?
A few days ago, a new video titled Dargem: All in appeared on the Horn of the Abyss YouTube channel. It is highly likely that a new campaign will be released at the start of the new year, focusing on the hero Dargem, who was the antagonist trying to obtain the Horn of the Abyss artifact for himself but was defeated by the Bidley.
It’s possible that we may get another announcement, but the hints are unclear, and I don’t want to speculate. The end of the year is just around the corner, so if you have time, definitely dive into playing the campaign.
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Dargem story
Dargem Llywellyn was originally a raider around the coast of Jadame. He traded with Burton to resupply his fleet, and was livid when they cut off trade with him. He became hostile to Burton and blockaded all trade going to and from the town. At some point, one of his crew members (Boyd) displeased him and was painfully executed by Dargem. This came back to haunt him when Boyd was raised from the dead with the sole purpose of avenging himself. At the end of Dead or Alive, Dargem is left alone with Boyd and presumably meets his demise.
…But rumors of his death have been greatly exaggerated. Later, he is employed by Casmetra and is imprisoned while attempting to recover the Horn of the Abyss artifact for her. Freed by Bidley, he pretends to help him find the horn. At the last moment, he betrays and captures Bidley, claims the horn for his own and flees. When Jeremy and Casmetra catch up to him, he reveals that he was employed by her and is about to blow the horn when she casts a spell at him.
A huge magical explosion occurs and sends Dargem, Casmetra, Bidley and Jeremy to wildly different locations. As Casmetra ended up with the horn, Dargem raised a fleet of Regnans and enlisted the aid of the Nighon warlocks to reclaim it. He, and all the other contenders, were ultimately defeated by the new Pirate King, Bidley.
Boyd story
Once a member of Dargem’s crew, Boyd displeased him and was painfully executed…after which Boyd was raised from the dead with the sole purpose of avenging himself.
He allies with Henrietta in her fight against the pirates with the sole conditions that Dargem is left to him in the end.
Bidley story
Bidley is one of the most successful pirates operating near Erathian shores. He is ready to accept any challenge and is able to emerge unscathed from any situation. It seems like he has a rival in every world’s corner, but he is always able to escape the trouble. Apart from being an excellent warrior, having artisan skills in both pistol and sabre wielding, he also trains his crew personally.
Skill revamp too?
I doubt. It will be just a campaign update.