Heroes Without Limits – Creatures Pack v0.9
Heroes Without Limits je počin autora s prezývkou Filipe. V budúcnosti pôjde o komplexnejšiu modifikáciu k Heroes 3. Autor zatiaľ vypustil do sveta jednu časť, ktorej súčasťou sú nové jednotky. Je ich viac ako 56, pričom niektoré nahrádzajú staré jednotky ako Lava Sharpshooter a Artic Sharpshooter, ale väčšina je úplne nových. Ide hlavne o neutrálne jednotky, ktoré na mape strážia cesty, suroviny alebo poklady.
Jednotky sú už kompletne spracované aj so špeciálnymi vlastnosťami. Je ich viac než dosť a medzi zaujímavé patria Ratman, Dryad, Satyr, Faun, Giant Scorpion/Spider/Crab, Flying Carpet, Camels, Anubis, Abomination, Kraken, Shai-Ulud, Keberseneuf, Doom Beholder, Zerling a veľa ďalších. Heroes Without Limits je modifikácia určená pre ERA II.
Inštalácia Heroes Without Limits Creatures Pack
- Treba mať nainštalovaný systéme ERA II.
- Stiahneme archív “hwl-creaturespack-v-0-9-era.zip” a jeho obsah rozbalíme do zložky /Mods.
- Spustíme Mod Manager (Tools/Mod Manager/modsmann.exe).
- V ľavom stĺpci dolu vyberieme položku HWL – new monsters pack a vpravo klikneme na Enable.
- Hotovo, týmto je modifikácia nainštalovaná a pripravená na hranie. Nové jednotky sa budú zobrazovať ľubovolne na mape.
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Heroes Without Limits – Creatures Pack v0.9 |
English description
I am working for a wile in my own MOD called Heroes Without Limits, but it is far away from my objective. As it will take to long to be ready I am sharing some of my work. more then 56 new creatures including: Ratman, Dryad, Satyr, Faun, Giant Scorpion/Spider/Crab, Flying Carpet, Camels, Anubis, Abomination, Kraken, Shai-Ulud, Keberseneuf, Doom Beholder, Zerling and a lot more… All with stack abilities (shoot, Death Stare, Bind,…) and defined strength. Once installed they will appear in any game at random. Some replace old creatures like lava sharpshooter, Artic Sharpshooter but 56 of them don’t.
I tried to find it somewhere but there is no option for switching off new resources 🙁 Now I’m checking how I can remove manually (if I find the script) and checking the incompatibility.
Hi zcs,
first of all install only Heroes 3 Complete and ERA II, without WoG, then try to install Creatures Pack v0.9, or, it is a better option try this mod Heroes Without Limits Reveolution https://heroes3wog.net/heroes-without-limits-revolution-beta/ this modification already includes Creatures Pack.
Hi Liso,
Many thanks for the hint. I tried Heroes Without Limits mod and it works properly. All creatures and objects are on the map now, they look like great, that’s we wanted to have 🙂
Only one very annoying bug I discovered. Some ores are replaced with new resources, moon stones which give temporary primary skills. When I take one of them my gold will significantly reduce (halfing it a couple of times) during the the AI’s turn. Do you have any idea how I can switch off the new resources (especially the moon stone)?
Try to turn it off in the WoG settings. It should be in there somewhere.
Finally, I found what causes the problem (probably it can happen at other users of this mod, therefore I would describe how it is resolved).
So, the problem was when I installed this mod the gold and all resources are decreased after a few days during the opponent’s movement and converge to zero, therefore the game is useless.
I investigated a lot what caused the problem and finally I found: under the WoG settings at Map options / Enhancements – town treasuries option to be switched OFF! It caused the incompatibility and this settings resolved the issue.
open Mod Manager: Heroes 3 Complete/Tools/Mod Manager/modsmann.exe
Eneble: HWL – new monsters pack
Hi! Thanks for the quick reply. My problem is when I open the modsmann.exe (ERA II surface)it does not recognize anything if I extract the downloaded rar content into the destination folder. Where (and how) should I unzip the downloaded content to appear as “HWL – new monster pack” on my ERA II surface?
With the other mods, which are in .exe format it works properly.
Oh, I’m so lame. I didn’t think that the entire .zip should be read from ERA II. Now it works 🙂 I’m checking the new creatures in the editor.
Many thanks!
Now I installed it but after the first attempt the system has collapsed (both in editor and game). I cleaned the whole Heroes and reinstalled everything (Heroes3+WoG+ERA II) and installed the creatures pack only. Now I can start the game but before a random map is generated the game kicks me out always with this message:
ResourceManager: GetSprite could not find the “sprite” resource “zchest00.def”.
Than the 2nd error message:
Exception trace details
Location 8:22
Location 1:80
Location 1:58
Location 1:50
Location 1:554
Context (100 chars)
(do conversion if we haven’t yet)
**end of timer routine
I reinstalled everything again (3 times) and tried but the same error message appears in different random maps. Do you have any idea how to fix it?
Hi! Could you help me? I cannot install this mod under my HOMM3.
4. In the left column, select an item below HWL – new monsters pack and right click on Enable.
I cannot find this option in my ERA II.
Super, to bola aj jedna z možností ktorú som ti chcel poradiť. Spraviť čistú inštaláciu, niekedy robí divy 😀
Teraz ti už len stačí mať nainštalovanú modifikáciu Heroes Without Limits Revolutions. Hra občas spadne, ale tak s tým sa nedá nič robiť. Na veľa fórach radia, aby bola v hre vypnutá hudba, to tiež pomáha aby hra menej padala.
Tak problém jsem vyřešil opětovnou instalací Era 2.46…. Editor i hra už fungují…. Přesto hra ale čas od času spadne, ale tentokrát asi už jen kvůli nestabilitě té modifikace 🙂
Dělalo to v editoru vždy v okamžiku, kdy jsem najel na obrázek jednotky. Pak by to mělo ukázat její jméno hned vedle kurzoru, ale to fungovalo jen u původních jednotek. Když jsem najel kurzorem na některou z nových jednotek, napsalo to “ExceptionEAccessViolation in module h3wmaped.exe at 000E68BC…” Hra zase padala vždy když se na mapě objevila některá z nových jednotek. Dělá mi to u tohoto samotného packu i u kompletního Heroes without limits :/
Hmmm tento problém som nemal. Robí to vyslovene len v editore? Alebo aj hneď keď spustíš hru?
Skúsil by som spraviť novú inštaláciu Heroes 3 Complete, potom by som nainštaloval ERA II, potom skús nainštalovať túto modifikáciu: Heroes Without Limits https://heroes3wog.net/heroes-without-limits-revolution-beta/ už obsahuje tieto nové jednotky a ďalšie zaujímavé vylepšenia.
Po nainstalování modifikace mi hra i editor hází chybové okno vždy, když se snažím něco dělat s novými jednotkami