

Wake of Gods – Download Center

Heroes 3.5: In the Wake of Gods  

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WoG Folder – All Heroes of Might and Magic mods in one place

Heroes 3 Complete

Heroes 3 HD Edition (UbiSoft)

HoMM3 HD Mod

HoMM 3 HD – a non-official fan made addon (multifunction patch) for Heroes of Might and Magic 3. Initially, the addon was created to change the original game resolution 800×600 to a bigger but now it has even more features.

Heroes 3 Total Conversions

ERA 3 download + compatible mods (Wake of Gods)

ERA 2.46f for older mods (Wake of Gods)


Graphics mods



Music and sounds






VCMI Project – Heroes 3: WoG recreated

VCMI is an open-source project aiming to reimplement HMM3:WoG and SoD game engines, giving it new and extended possibilities.

 Without category

 Wake of Gods (WoG 3.58f)

Might & Magic: Heroes VII

Might & Magic: Heroes V

Artbook / Wallpapers / Cosplays

Might & Magic: Heroes IV

Heroes I

Heroes II


  1. Michal

    Možno by sa hodilo ešte pridať také menej známe módy, ktoré by sa určitým hráčom mohli hodiť a mám na mysli tie od majaczeka – Knightmare mods. Najmä Knightmare Commanders je trochu prestrelený silou veliteľov, ale mód sa dobre uplatní pri začiatočníkoch alebo proti silnému AI. Ďalej ešte vydal isté “MiniMods”, ktoré editujú pôvodné WOG módy, skôr pre zábavu, ale nie je zlé ich vyskúšať. Ak by niekto nechcel prepisovať pôvodné verzie, stačí ich presunúť do vlastného priečinka do zložky mods/názov módu/data/s, aktivivať cez mod manager a dať na vrch load orderu. Touto cestou sa vlastne vytvárajú všetky nové módy.

  2. Liso1 (Post author)

    Mohol by si mi poslať link kde tieto modifikácie nájdem? Alebo je to niekde na HeroesCommunity fóre?

    1. CASADIN0

      ahoj mohol by si mi poslat link na na stiahnutie original free Heroes 3, neviem to akosi najst xDDDDDDD

      1. Liso1 (Post author)

        Zdar, Heroes 3 Complete sa ešte stále predáva, takže hra nie je FREE na stiahnutie, ale nájdeš ju na rôznych e-shopoch za ľudových 5 – 6€.

  3. Michal

    Áno, je to na fóre, ale vo vlastnej téme majaczeka, tu je presný link:

    Ešte upozorním, že módy majú konflikt so Sagamosa levels, čo nie je nič zvláštne a hra síce funguje, ale AI je takmer neporaziteľný.

  4. ghoz

    sum of these files are infected 🙁

  5. Liso1 (Post author)

    Some cheap antivirus, as Avast or Norton give false positive all the time when you download an exe, so the user feels protected. The best way for you to find out, is to analyze it with multiple antiviruses at once then see the percentage of infected/clean.

  6. Karol

    Ahoj, mám heroes 3 complete, ak tam chcem nainstalovat, tak tam nemám tools….vies mi s tym poradiť?

  7. Liso1 (Post author)

    Ahoj, na to aby si si túto modifikáciu mohol nainštalovať potrebuješ mať inštalovanú aj ERA II, potom už nebude problém s inštaláciou aj iných modifikácií.

  8. Gatts

    I am looking for ERM editor. I found on internet ERM_SE editor, but even this editor, after saving a ERM file, makes respective file invalid and WoG ingores it during WoG-ification.
    Hex Editor can edit any files without damaging it, but they suck on adding new words.
    I wanted to edit script57.erm to generate larger neutral stacks upon map wogification, but each attempts ended in rendering the file unusable/unreadable fro WoG.

    1. Gatts

      Uz som nasiel: ERM Editor v ERA start menu vie otvorit akykolvek .erm subor… aj z ine instalacie nez ERA.

  9. vilko95

    Zdar. Neviete kde nájdem češtinu na LORD ak vôbec je ??

    1. Liso1 (Post author)

      Zdar, bohužiaľ čeština ani žiadny iný jazyk okrem ruštiny a angličtiny pre LoRD neexistuje.

  10. Csaba


    I would like to ask about the Succession Wars mod. I had same problems with Wog, by the way. Every time I try to play, after a few turns there is a message (excetpion, trace details, etc.) and then it crashes. What may be wrong? I have win7 64bit, have clean Complete (the version that does not need installation) and Era II. Thank you!

    1. Liso1 (Post author)

      Hi, here are complete instructions, maybe you have overlooked something when installing:

      First install ERA over CLEAN SoD or Heroes Complete.

      In your CLEAN SoD ( Shadow of Death ) or Heroes Complete folder, place the zipped file in the \mods folder, unzip, and it should extract a folder called ‘1 H2 Succession Wars‘. ( Do not rename the file. )

      Once that’s done, in the tools folder created by ERA open Mod Manager folder and run ‘modsmann’ to enable the mod. You must disable all other mods apart from wog which should be placed below 1 H2 Succession Wars Mod. The screen should look like this:

      Run h3era go to ‘New Game’ and press the ‘Options’ button. Move to the bottom where it says ‘Custom Scripts’ where you can see options made specifically for this mod. Make sure that the option ‘Necessary Succession Wars Mod Script’ is checked. The other options in Custom Scripts are for your liking.

  11. Dystar


  12. Josef

    Ahoj…Nevíte kde bych mohl sehnat více doplnků (modu)do Horn of the abyss ? děkuju předem 🙂

    1. Liso1 (Post author)

      Zdar, žiadne doplnky do Horn of the Abyss neexistujú a ani existovať nebudú. Tak ako si stiahneš inštalátor, tak to je kompletná verzia, bez možnosti inštalácie doplnkov.
      Tvorcovia Horn of the Abyss rovnako ani žiadne doplnky vydávať nebudú.

      1. Josef

        áha..tak děkuju 😀

  13. RealLifeCheater

    Hello everybody (i write in english because i don’t speak russian[german^^]),

    let me first of all say WHAT GREAT work you all have done. I am playing heroes since heroes was released (i still think the heroes 1 music is great^^).

    WOG is just the best thing ever i have spent countless hours playing on impossible 400%.

    Now i found your site and wanted to upgrade wog (3.58) with additional towns.
    When i installed Era the game worked greatly.

    When i imported (with moodsmanager) the additional towns, the game didnt start anymore. ALl installations appeared in mods manager correctly.
    But when trying to start, no error message, just n o t h i n g….

    Can you explain me how i could import the new cities?

    Thank you very very much. Also i look to play with human players, please write to me ;).

    Thank you very much

    RealLifeCheater 😉

    Also here some gameplay things that should really be fixed (like change suggestions):

    -Stronghold: Need to build all creature buildings, before building level 7 creatures (like in all cities). Or you get Ghost behemonths too easily!!!

    -Rampart: Upgrade Elves to snarpshooters and lava snarpshooters. This city is soo weak you can not play it. Also Feary dragons (if option choosen) should be able to attack (and not only cast spells).

    -Tower: Make Santa Gremlin upgrade directly available. Now i can just choose to upgrade to halflings…

    -Dungeon: Change pillar of eye costs. Having 1 of each ressource is hard until Week 1, Day 7. Make it cost more gold as example. Its a nogo in impossible games :(.

    -Fortress: This city is kinda too weak to be played on impossible mod.
    Please make mage guild possible (at least level 4) and also strenghten the gnolls a little please.
    Also how about cast “curse” from the upgrades hydras (on all enemies it attacks).

    1. Liso1 (Post author)

      Sorry for the late reply.
      WoG/ERA II has no good online/multiplayer support and the game often crash. Better if you try Horn of the Abyss (new units, town, buildings, map objects…).
      Unfortunately I am not the creator, try Heroes Community forum

  14. cageybear

    Got it! Had to do a bit of manual shuffling but got it going. Congratulations it
    looks very nice so far.
    — Ken

    1. Liso1 (Post author)

      So everything works? You did not like Heroes 7?

      1. cageybear

        I’ll play Heroes 7 after they have fixed the bugs – 6-12 months from now. For now it’s too frustrating. Is the code for Era II available?
        I’m a retired software engineer and would like to see what it takes
        to debug some crashes i got when i turned on a lot of WOG options.
        – Ken

        1. Liso1 (Post author)
          1. cageybear

            I got the GreyFace source which is different from
            EraII – is the EraII platform available also?
            The Lua interface is going to take me a while and
            is also separate from EraII – which is what i’m
            currently playing.
            – Ken

  15. Liso1 (Post author)

    cageybear try to official support forum:

  16. Heetec

    muzes prosim udelat reup ‘Heroes 3 Ultimate Edition’ pro jistotu jinam nez na ? treba fastshare

    diky Heetec

    1. Liso1 (Post author)
  17. Tom

    sháním mod pro heroes 3, který by ukázal dostřel jednotek na dálku(normálně v boji) podle síly (plná/poloviční), je na to něco? HDmod+ ukazuje maximální dosah pohybu(shift/ctrl), doufal jsem i v útok, ale bohužel nic 🙁

    1. Liso1 (Post author)

      Nazdar, ukazovateľ sily útoku na diaľku je v Heroes automaticky, zobrazuje sa ako ikonka šípu. Ak je šíp rovný, tak jednotka útočí plnou silou, ak je zlomený tak polovičnou.

      1. Tom

        to jo, ale já bych rád viděl, kdy na mě nepřítel má již plnej dostřel, abych mohl líp plánovat pohyb jednotek vzhledem k jejich maximálnímu dojezdu, ukazatel šípu vidím taky až když se změní ze zlomenýho na celej, chtěl bych to vidět znázorněný na povrchu jako je pohyb jednotek

        1. Liso1 (Post author)

          Uf, myslím že tam také nič nie je, ale vieš si to ľahko odčítať, ak je tvoja jednotka vzdialená 10 a viac hexov sú jej spôsobené len polovičné zranenia.

  18. Tom

    jeste bych se chtel zeptat na H3 HOTA coop mapy, nema nekdo nahodou balik s mapami? Random mapy jsou porad “stejny”, i kdyz nahodny
    spokojil bych se i s obyc H3 mapami, funguji totiz i v HOTA, jde me o to, aby byl mozny COOP (2 hraci spolu staci) a musi to byt modry+cerveny hrac, kvuli HOTA modu na simultanni tahy hracu, jina barva nez cervena s modrym nefunguji a ty dostupny scenare ve hre uz mame dohrany (moc map podporujici coop za tyhlech podminek neni 🙁 )

    1. Liso1 (Post author)

      tak ja ak hladám mapy, beriem ich z ale predpokladám že túto stránku už poznáš.
      Ešte sa mi nepodarilo skúsiť žiadnu mapu v coop móde, aké to je? Nepadá hra?

      1. Tom

        tu stranku znam, ale bohuzel neumoznuje nijak vyfiltrovat mapy, podle urcitejch kriterii (treba zrovna ten coop a barvy hracu), a nebo jsem jen slepej?
        Coop mod je klasickej multiplayer, stejnej jako hot-seat, 2 hraci hraji spolu(nebo i proti sobe) a mohou tahnout oba zaroven, takze se cekaci doba mezi tahy hodne zkrati – nefunguje to sice uplne 100% (hraci nikdy nesmi oba sebrat stejny predmet v jednom tahu, oba zautocit na stejnou jednotku atd) ale je to rozhodne lepsi, nez cekat 5 minut, nez druhej hrac odehraje…

        1. Liso1 (Post author)

          Nie, nedá sa tam hľadať inak, len podľa veľkosti mapy a obtiažnosti. Škoda.

          Niečo som predsa len našiel, COOP kampane:

          Inak tie simultánne ťahy by sme niekedy mohli skúsiť, som veľmi zvedavý ako to celé funguje naživo.

  19. speedy

    Dobrý den, při instalaci to po mně chce přepnout na anglickou verzi systému. Nevím jak to provést. Mám WIN 10. Poraďte prosim

    1. Liso1 (Post author)

      Nazdar, ktorú modifikáciu si si stiahol a chce aby si sa prepol do anglického jazyka?

      1. speedy

        Stahl jsem si WOG a chtel bych si do nej pridat nova mesta a pri instalaci me to pise ze mam prepnout na anglicku verzi softveru nebo neco podobneho.

  20. Tom

    Hello! First, since my last try, era II works perfect with the ultimate mods. Greatful work!
    So, i wan’t try “Human Castle” mod. It seems like a very interesting alternative. Maybe not forever, but i would try. I use Era II and i have in mod manager the order like in the screenshot from homm 3 ultimate 5.1.

    At which place should i put the castle mod?
    Have i click something in the wog options ingame?

    At the moment, it looks like am mix between the mod and the original. Pictures etc. are partly from the mod, but not straight and not complete.

    Have anyone an idea, what i made wrong?

    Thanks you!!!

    1. Liso1 (Post author)

      Hi Tom, try to put the Human Castle mod on first place in Mod manager do not forget to enable it.
      Let me know if the modification works.

  21. WarZ3alot


    I’m looking for a mod where i can play simultaneously online with my friends. I know that there’s one out there but i don’t know which one.

    1. Liso1 (Post author)

      Hi, you need HD mod for Simultaneous Turns (ST): is available for Heroes III Compelte and Horn of the Abyss

  22. Tom

    Hi, is there an way to Change the Default kindom flag with an own Picture?

    Best Regards

    1. Liso1 (Post author)

      Hi, there is definitely something like that. But you have to modify the game and that’s another story… try Random Skins mod:

  23. Kuba

    Zdar…prosím vás, existuje čština bo slovenština do Heroes 3: HOTA??? Nemůžu ji nikde najít. děkuji

    1. Liso1 (Post author)

      Nazdar, bohužiaľ nie, zatiaľ sa nenašiel nikto, kto by spravil CZ, alebo SK verziu Horn of the Abyss.


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