Interference secondary skill (HotA 1.6.0)
A new skill, Interference (reduces the Spellpower of the enemy hero by 10/20/30% in combat), along with its corresponding artifacts Charm of Eclipse (10%), Seal of Sunset (10%) and Plate of Dying Light (25%), have been introduced; for all heroes except Thorgrim, the starting Resistance skill is replaced by Interference.
A new hero, Giselle the Ranger, has been introduced with a specialization in Interference.
Heroes with Basic Interference as a starting skill:
- Ajit the Overlord
- Bron the Beastmaster
- Clancy the Ranger
- Fafner the Alchemist
- Ignatius the Demoniac
- Krellion the Barbarian
- Saurug the Battle Mage
- Straker the Death Knight
- Ufretin the Ranger
- Zilare the Navigator
Heroes with an Interference specialty:
- Giselle the Ranger