Horn of the Abyss New Year update #19 – work on the Factory continues
Horn of the Abyss Crew wishes you a Happy New Year. We wish you much more pleasant things in it than those that make you feel sad! As for our part, we will do our best to make playing HotA even more interesting, fun and exciting for you.
In the new year, we’ll keep working on the Factory and our other Horn of the Abyss projects with renewed vigor. Wait for the news – they’re surely bring you joy! – HotA crew
I wait for the new HOTA version patiently. It’s definitely gonna worth it no matter how long it is. I have also read the bad news by jumping to 2022, we’re not getting 1.7.0 of HOTA. I wish a Great New Year to the Hota Crew! I also wish them a good work, so eventually 1.7.0 will be ready.