Did you know nr. 28 – Arrow turrets damage
Every new building in town view increases the max. damage of the Keep by 3, half that for lower turrets. Exceptions: Dwellings and Mage Guild upgrades, Horde, Income and some special buildings (like Grail or Castle Brotherhood of the Sword).
- 00:00 – Keep damage 10-15, buildings: only Citadel
- 01:26 – Keep damage 18-27 (4 new buildings + 12 DMG), buildings: Tavern, MG 1, Academy and Warren
- 02:30 – Keep damage 26-39, previous buildings + Blacksmith, Portal, Harpy Loft, Pillar of Eyes
- 04:57 – Keep damage 34-51, previous buildings + Market, Vortex, Chapel of Stilled Voices, Labyrinth
- 07:50 – Keep damage 46-69, full town
Arrow turrets damage calculation:
- All shooters of all towns do the same damage
- If Fort, Citadel and Castle is built the Base Damage is 15 for the Keep, and approx. the half of it for the other shooters.
- Every new building increase the damage of the Keep by 3, half that for lower turrets.
- Exceptions: Dwellings and Mage Guild upgrades, Horde, Income and some special buildings (like Grail or Castle Brotherhood of the Sword).
- It doesn’t matter what is the target, the damage will be the same no matter what.
- Secondary Skills, Artifacts etc. (especially Archery or Artillery) don’t have influence to the damage.
- Heroes with Armorer skill take additional damage (approx. double). (fixed in HotA)
- Creatures with Air Shield take additional damage (same as above). (fixed in HotA)