Covenant Town
Covenant Town je nové mesto pre ERA, ktoré je inšpirované akčnou sériou HALO. Covenant Town prináša 7 kompletne nových jednotiek aj s ich vylepšeniami. Pre mňa osobne nezaujímavé, pretože sa absolútne nehodí do prostredia Heroes 3. Po nainštalovaní tohto mesta nebude k dispozícii Conflux. Autor modifikácie je Kegolo.
Inštalácia Covenant Town
- Archív rozbalíme do zložky s Heroes 3 Complete, Heroes musí byť vo verzii s ERA II.
- Spustíme súbor “Covenant Town.exe” a pokračujeme podľa inštrukcií programu.
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English description
I would like to present my work over the last year. The team is called the Covenant, a sci-fi alien race from the Halo series. This project started before the release of HotA, and at the time I did not want to replace any team. Script82.erm adds a wog option (in place of where monster mutterings was) to turn on the Covenant for that game only. If you uncheck the option, the Conflux is not changed in any way! Maybe once HotA allows others to add towns I will go that route, for now you can play a game with, or without the Covenant with the click of a wog option. Now, the Covenant!