ZL Deer Hunt Town
Nová modifikácia ZL Deer Hunt Town prináša do hry nové jednotky a hrdinov. Funguje veľmi podobným štýlom ako Dragon Peaks, mesto na mape má nové grafické spracovanie, ale vnútro mesta patrí frakcii ktorú ste si vybrali na začiatku mapy, ale zase jednotky na zámku budú nové jednotky Deer Hunt. Trochu komplikované a ešte k tomu si raz za týždeň môžete zmeniť hrdinu na jedného z frakcie Deer Hunt. Mimo to modifikácia pridáva aj 14 neutrálnych jednotiek.
Je veľmi takýmto počinom neholdujem, na jednotkách je veľmi vidieť že sú “vystrihnuté” z iných hier, ale aspoň je to pre autora dobrý základ k tvoreniu ďalších modifikácií. Pri hraní som sa často stretal s padaním, modifikáciu som mal inštalovanú na čistej verzii Heroes 3 s ERA. Autorom modifikácie je XEricSin.
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Galéria Deer Hunt Town
English Description
This is the New Faction MOD ZL Deer Hunt Town by XEricSin
- Every ZL town will have the two letters ‘ZL’ in front of the town names.
- The actual town type will not change, but the dwellings will change to ZL dwellings.
- 16 neutral creatures are replaced by ZL creatures, having new def, sound and skills.
- Every day, AI’s garrisoned troops in any town will be converted to ZL creatures or normal creatures according to the town type.
- When player visits a ZL town, the faction of ZL creatures will be alined with this town.
- When heroes visit a ZL town, player can choose to convert this hero to a ZL hero according to the sex.
- 14 ZL heroes are available, with new picture and skills.
1. Enhance monsters and Hero specialisation boost are not banned. Might have some interesting bugs if enabled.
2. The creature animation is fast. A slow version is in the data folder.
This MOD uses other Modders’ work, including Hawaiing007, Salamandre, Oxfea, Bersy and so on. I also borrowed ideas from Nabi by Canghai and from Dragon Park by JimV. Thank them all.