Neutral creatures from Heroes 7 for Heroes 5 v1.0
This is NCF based mod that adds 10 neutral creatures from Heroes 7 to Heroes 5. Specificaly: Black Guard, Black Guard Officer, Ancient Titan, Ancient Golem, Flaming Golem, Reforged Golem, Lizardman, Sea Elf, Kraken, Ancient Horror (Kraken-boss).
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New neutral creatures from Heroes 7 ( |
New creatures will randomly appear on maps as neutrals, and as guards in specific buildings. Kraken-boss will only appear in sunken temple, he wouldn’t appear as neutral on maps.
Some gameplay stuff also were changed: Damage from unused earlier in vanilla game ability “avenging flame” was reduced from 70 to 15. Damage from hero’s strike to 8 tier creatures was reduced.
How to install this mod?
Copy all from “Tribes of the East” folder from this archive to your HoMM5:ToE 3.1 game folder. Start game with “H5Game.NCF.exe” file, located in “bin” folder within you game folder.
Original resources from games M&MH7; M&MH6; and Dark Messiah of Might&Magic; were used to create this mod. I claim no autorship over those resources. Compared to original creators, I did wery little work adopting those models for H5, so credits, and your apreciation should go to original games’s developer teams.
Unfortinaly I can’t name every specific author who created the specific resource, so the best thing I can do is credit the game teams as the whole.
I hope nobody of those talented modelers and animators would feel such use of their work as ofence to themselfs. But rather see this mod as apreciation of your work, since people like your awesome arts, and they seek new ways to enjoy it. Also note that this is strictly noncommerce mod, after all.
Author of NCF mod, that allows to expand creature’s quantity in HoM&M5 – SimonaK
Resources M&MH7, M&MH6, Dark Messiah were ported to HoM&M5 by me – Zahar0z
Visual effects in this mod were created by Frozensoul
I also thank members of HeroesWorld forum: Ment, psatkha, Gerter and Remix, for giving me good advices about balance and some game mechanics.
Amazing ! Thank you very much, those models will be very useful for my own mod (golems and lizardman, especially). But I have a request : I’d like to create some bug-like units, and HoMM5 doesn’t have any (good) model for this. Could you import (as you did with this mod) the models of giant spiders from MMH7. I know it must be a lot of work, but… I had to ask. Anyway, thanks again ! Great job