Horn of the Abyss v1.5.4 download
Horn of the Abyss version 1.5.4 is out! As previously announced, it is predominantly aimed at solving issues pertinent to the original game and Horn of the Abyss. The new release does not feature any significant new content, and players should not expect anything major to be out around New Year. However, like two years ago, some kind of announcement regarding the features to be introduced in the further versions might happen.
The HotA reference section at h3hota.com continues developing:
– The FAQ section has been expanded and translated into English.
– An article featuring detailed descriptions of HotA random map templates with their charts and nuances has been published (currently only available in Russian). You can expect it to be further expanded with gameplay specifics for each template.
Author: Docent_Picolan
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Horn of the Abyss v1.5.4 |
Full Horn of the Abyss v1.5.4 Changelog:
[!] – Important Information.
[-] – Bug and error fixes and changes to previous elements.
[+] – Innovations.
HotA bugs
[-] The Pond of Gems has been fixed, previously designated as Gold Mine in the game files
[-] The possibility to repeatedly visit the Gazebo by a single hero has been eliminated
[-] A bug has been fixed where under a hero with the Sniper’s Bow, a shooter stack would approach the opponent and shoot instead of attacking in melee, when so ordered
[-] The endless casting bug has been fixed for Satyrs and Leprechauns
[-] A bug has been fixed where the Resistance skill would sometimes lower the opponent’s spellpower by 1 more than required
[-] A bug has been fixed where issues with pathfinding and route length calculating would arise for heroes on ships during the opponent’s turn on multiplayer
[-] A bug has been fixed where the color of arrows designating the route (red or dark red) would not take into account the wearing off of the Fly spell
[-] RMG: A bug has been fixed where the maximum number set for the zone and the entire map would be calculated separately for all dwellings of the same creature
[-] A bug has been fixed where the required Shipyards would often not be spawned on random maps, most often with the ‘Normal’ water level
[-] A bug has been fixed where the Alt+F4 hotkey would not work
[-] RMG: Crashes tied to the overly long template description have been fixed
[-] RMG: No more than 48 towns can now be set per map (previously, exceeding this number would cause crashes)
[-] A bug has been fixed where the timer running out while on the spell selection screen in spell research would crash the game
[-] A bug has been fixed where the game would crash after entering the cheat code for increasing the contrast
[-] A bug has been fixed where an AI-controlled hero would begin moving in circles because of the incorrect evaluation of spells granted by the Aurora Borealis
[-] Town Gate now cannot be placed on water
[-] The hint featuring incorrect number of creatures to be killed when attacking a copy of a stack created by the Clone spell has been fixed
[-] A bug has been fixed where the cursor would remain artifact-shaped if it was so before exiting the exchanging heroes screen in a town
[-] A bug has been fixed where the ESC hotkey would cause issues with the exchanging heroes screen
[-] Fixed: the previously ‘fixed’ bug with the Faerie dragon spell frequency has been reverted, as it was found not to be a bug
[-] A bug has been fixed where the spells in Tower’s Library could copy other existing spells when loading savegames made in pre-1.5 versions of HotA
[-] Some memory leaks tied to dialogue elements have been fixed
[+] If both heroes died as a result of a battle, they will not turn up in taverns, unless all other ones have become unavailable
[-] RMG: In the 6lm10a template, the unguarded 21–22 and 24–25 connections are now always land passages
[-] RMG: In the 6lm10a template, the frequency of Dragon Utopias has been increased from 100 to 200. A limit has been introduced: no more than 1 Dragon Utopia per player and AI-controlled player starting zone and the adjacent ones; no more than 2 Dragon Utopias per silver treasury zone
[-] RMG: In the Diamond template, all 4 roads from each player’s starting zone are now mandatory
[-] RMG: In the Diamond template, the frequency of Dragon Utopias has been increased from 100 to 200. A limit has been introduced: no more than 1 Dragon Utopia per player and AI-controlled player starting zone
[+] RMG: Wide connections between random map zones now also work in the underworld
[-] The value of casting element protection spells by upgraded elementals has been decreased for the AI
[+] Faerie dragons now cannot aim Chain Lightning at allied stacks
SoD bugs
[+] A bug has been fixed where unoptimal hero route was traced that could change after several continuous clicks
[+] A bug has been fixed where the value of summoned creatures would become zero for the AI in the event that all other creatures under a hero’s command would be killed; the AI would then cease attacking the summoned Elementals with magic, and in HotA, also with splash damage from Liches and Magogs
[+] A bug has been fixed for the situations where the hind hex of a two-hex creature’s corpse would be covered by a one-hex creature’s corpse; in this event, it would be impossible to target the big creature with the Resurrection and Raise Dead spells, even when pointing at its front hex
[+] The cheat codes for building up towns and reviewing the opponent’s towns are now turned off upon starting a new game or loading a game
[+] A bug has been fixed where a combat would sometimes become desynchronized if one of the players had the Angel’s Alliance on a hero not taking part in this combat
[+] A certain hero-clonning bug has been fixed
[+] A bug has been fixed where the game would crash upon starting a scenario with a random hero on the map, but no heroes available to the player
[+] RMG: A bug has been fixed where an unguarded passage could be blocked by a group of objects
[-] RMG: A previously missed instance of a bug where a Monolith, a Subterranean Gate or a Shipyard could block a land passage has been fixed
[+] RMG: A bug has been fixed where a wide connection between zones would sometimes not be created if a non-wide connection already existed there
[+] A bug has been fixed where the AI could enter a cycle when considering magical terrains during spell evaluation
[+] A bug has been fixed where a hero would neglect using a ship he/she summoned
[+] A bug has been fixed where another boat could be built in a town with a shipyard built right before that moment even if a boat already was there
[+] A bug has been fixed where hints about the reason of cast unavailability for upgraded Elementals and target immunity for Archangels would not appear
[+] Faulty hints when trying to order Archangels to resurrect themselves or a stack where no one had been killed have been fixed
[+] A bug has been fixed where Roland’s specialty would affect Crusaders but not Swordsmen
[+] Reentering the cheat code to increase contrast now restores the regular contrast level
[+] The cheat menu now cannot be used during the video intro upon launching the game and the fading when switching between different game screens
[+] The cheat to build up the town now does not build Shipyards or boats in landlocked towns, does not skip decorative buildings and does not reset the number of hireable creatures in the town’s dwellings
[+] A bug has been fixed where pushing an allied player’s hero from the garrison to the guest hero slot would cause this hero to appear as changing allegiance to inactive players
[+] New Conflux town sprites (Fort, Citadel, Castle, Capitol) have been introduced for the adventure map
[+] Faulty moat graphics have been fixed for Fortress town
[-] Blinking pixels by the horse’s hooves have been fixed for the male Knight, female Necromancer and Witch combat sprites
[+] Buggy shadow has been fixed for the Pit Lords sprite
[+] Buggy shadow and a blinking pixel have been fixed for the Mages sprite
[+] The faulty Bone Dragon image on the Necropolis puzzle map has been fixed
[-] Vey, Luna, Ciele and Gelare portraits have been fixed
Map editor
[+] The incorrect position of Elementals in the creature lists has been fixed
Template editor
[+] An ‘Anarchy’ option has been added where turning it on will often allow visiting objects with the use of Fly without having to defeat their guards, and revert the bugfix to always place object guards correctly
[+] A ‘Portal repulsion’ connecting option has been introduced where turning it on will force the Monolith-enabled connection to spawn as far as possible from object guards, Subterranean Gates and other Monoliths
[-] A bug has been fixed where the order of object setup rules would change when editing several zones at a time
[-] The faulty exporting of *.jpg images has been fixed
[+] Hints has been introduced to be displayed when targeting a stack, showing the effect of damage spells, healing and resurrection spells and First Aid Tent healing, along with the number of remaining shots for caster creatures
[+] The hint about the number of remaining shots for arrow towers has been removed, seeing as they have unlimited shots
[+] The casting interface has been enhanced for the Faerie Dragons: the cast-shaped cursor will now replace the attack cursor only when the prepared spell can indeed affect at least one creature being targeted to the selected hex
[+] The game window will now not become unresponsible during generating a random map or loading a map
[+] Maps of non-standard sizes are now correctly displayed on the scenario selection screen
[-] A number of issues with maps, templates, texts and fonts have been fixed
[+] New map Daggerwin Valley have been introduced
[+] Templates mt_Andromeda, mt_Antares and Clash of Dragons have been introduced
[+] Map creation date format has been changed in the map selection dialog
[+] The limit for list length in the pathfinding algorithm that could lead to irregular behavior from the AI has been lifted
Guys, download link odkazuje na 1.5.3 :).
Staci pustit HOTA launcher a update.
Nazdar, sú tam 2 odkazy na stiahnutie, jeden odkazuje na aktuálnu verziu 1.5.4 s týmto linkom si stiahneš len modifikáciu ten druhý link odkazuje na komplet hru, ale vo verzii 1.5.3.