ERA 3 Launcher Edition Update v2.74 + changelog

ERA 3 Launcher will help you quickly install and run these 3 modifications: In the Wake of Gods (WoG/ERA), Horn of the Abyss (HotA) and Master of Puppets (MoP).
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ERA 3 Launcher Edition Update v2.74 changelog
[+] Updated ERA core to version 3.9.3+ – thanks to Berserker;
– added support for png images from zip archives even without the pcx resource of the same name;
– fixed crashes when a player attacks a player in TCP/IP mode;
– fixed shortened description of scenarios in the map selection menu;
[+] Updated HD mod to version 5.4 R17 – thanks to Baratorch;
[+] added to “Game Enhancement Mod“:
– A script that fixes the experience overflow of units – thanks to Daemon;
– Plugin “RMG_CustomizeObjectProperties.era”, which allows you to limit the number of generated objects of a certain type to just a couple of lines in json:
“RMG.object_limits.[object_id].map” – limits the number of objects on the whole map;
“RMG.object_limits.[object_id].zone” – limits the number of objects per zone;
– By default, the number of obelisks per zone is limited to 1;
– Plugin that adds a button “View creature experience” – thanks to Grossmaster for the graphics and idea;
[+] “Advanced Classes Mod” updated to version 1.085 – thanks to Perry R;
[+] “Advanced Classes Mod Rus” updated to version 1.085 – thanks to Perry R;
[+] “Wog Graphic Fix Lite” updated to version 2.11.0 – thanks to Grossmaster;
[+] “Advanced Difficulties Mod” updated to version 1.038 – thanks to Perry R;
– added option to set custom/endless growth of neutral map stacks;
[+] Option “serpents-berserkers” no longer requires “creature experience” to work. Now just have a 20% chance to cast a Berserk spell after an attack – thanks to Archer30;
[+] The calculation of the daily loss of ghosts has been rewritten. Now only 1% of the total in units where the number of creatures is more than 100 units – thanks to Archer30;
[+] Sharpshooter and Wraith block options rewritten. These options no longer require SE to work – thanks to Archer30:
– Arctic snipers take 15% less damage from physical attacks.
– Lava snipers have 20% less damage from physical attacks.
– Wight and Wraith have a 30% chance to completely block a physical attack.
[+] Added a new option “Allow the construction of the Capitol in all cities” – thanks to Archer30;
[+] The option “Advanced specializations of heroes” has been completely rewritten:
– now the bonus parameters of creatures are always calculated and displayed for the player and AI;
– Optimized and balanced the mechanics of autocasting spells in battle;
[+] Now the game reveals the map immediately when the hero’s exploration radius changes – thanks to JackSlater;
[+] Texts of many scripts have been moved to json format for easier translation;
[+] The mechanics, behavior and balance of the “Castle Upgrading” option have been rewritten. Added description directly to creature growth text – thanks to Archer30, JackSlater;
[+] Improved description of artifacts that give implicit bonuses – thanks to Archer30;
[+] The code has been rewritten and the mechanics of the “Garrisons” option has been updated – thanks to Archer30;
[+] Now all enabled “map rules” are displayed in one dialog instead of in an array of messages – thanks to Archer30;
[+] The “Fog of War” option now works only for the human player, so that the AI can think through the move properly. Now correctly opens the map after the hero moves – thanks to Archer30;
[+] All graphics of the “Wog-scripts” mod have been moved to png format – thanks to Archer30;
[+] Added new option “Lizard Warriors counterattack from a distance” – thanks to Archer30;
[+] For the “Max secondary skills” option, the default value has been changed from 10 to 12 – thanks to Archer30;
[+] Added compatibility of mod options “ERA scripts” and “Wog scripts” to change creatures, like “Rebalanced Creatures” – thanks to Archer30;
[+] Now the “Tyrant” option looks for the first matching player color, not just pink – thanks to Archer30;
[+] Improved the description of creatures on the map with more than 1000 in the squad;
[+] “Mortal heroes” now have the correct specializations when moving from one campaign map to another – thanks to Archer30;
[+] Now the options “Find the Path” and “Double movement for all heroes” change the movement points in the native way for the game, excluding any bugs and glitches – thanks to Archer30;
[+] option “Growth of armies by 4% per day” is now limited to 100,000 instead of 10,000;
[+] changes from the “map rules” now work from the start of the map and correctly change the parameters of creatures;
[+] Completely rewritten options “Medicine” and “Health Artifacts” at the in-game level;
[+] The “New mana recovery system” option has been completely rewritten, a visual bug of disabling mana points in a magic well has been fixed;
[+] Added support for “advent.txt” file for reading by functions;
[-] Disabled “mines” and “quicksand” in vogue garrisons due to internal problems with determining the owner;
[#] Fixed a crash in the game with the “Artillery” option, changed the time of the shot;
[#] Fixed the disappearance of “War Machines III” when defending the city and rising from the ground;
[#] Fixed initialization and workflow of the script “Land navigation” – thanks to Archer30;
[#] Fixed table of artifact indexes for displaying in “Trainer” – thanks to Archer30;
[#] Fixed the ability to gain experience with the “Training II” and “Self-Training” options – thanks to Archer30;
[#] Fixed random wogification causing problems with the map – thanks to Archer30;
[#] Fixed option “Scientists instead of obelisks” – thanks to Archer30;
[#] Fixed achievement “Inspector” – thanks to Archer30;
[#] Fixed impossibility to get the spell book via “Trainer” – thanks to Archer30;
[#] Fixed the huge damage of spells in the “Chamber of Death” and the incorrect name of the caster. Added missing hints;
[#] Fixed spelling of a fireball by elementals after an attack;
[#] Added a level check to improve the outer dwelling of mithril. You can now only upgrade an outer dwelling if the level of the upgraded creature matches that of the non-upgraded creature – thanks to Archer30.
[#] Partially rewritten the mithril upgrade function so that we can easily call from GEM mod.
[#] Fixed inability to learn skills at the university;
[#] Fixed phantom squads after killing with “living scrolls”;
[#] Fixed appearance of a city without an owner from the “Dragon cities” option, leading to a crash – thanks to Archer30;
[#] Fixed double generation of “Time Markets” – thanks to JackSlater;
[#] Fixed incorrect calculation of experience for units without experience;
[#] Fixed crash with option “Garrisons”;
[#] Fixed a bug that occurred when the “Castle Upgrading” option was disabled;
[#] Fixed incorrect initialization of the hero in the castle at the start of the game;
What script was the hero and town renaming moved to?
They are not in any list. They are activated by default.