Vote for Miss Erathia (Castle) – Miss Antagarich 2023 AS
At the royal court of Erathia’s capital city, Steadwick, King Gryphonheart is holding the first ever beauty pageant in Antagarich – Miss Antagarich 2023 AS. Heroines from AvLee to Bracada are already coming to Stedwick. Even the land of the undead, Deyja, has sent a few participants, Isra is already in an advanced stage of decay, he will surely find fans.
Only the ladies from Vori island refused to participate, it is below their level. The jury has a bit of a problem with the heroines of Tatalia, some of them are very difficult to determine the gender. Of course, Erathia has one of the biggest representatives, even Queen Catharine herself participates, it is said that if she doesn’t win, she will raise taxes…
Vote for Miss Erathia (Castle)
Voting ends on February 17, 2023. Then we will continue with AvLee (Rampart).
Miss Erathia (Castle)
Total Voters: 754 Loading ... |