Third Upgrades mod v2.20.2 update with new creatures

With Third Upgrade Mod every town can have a new building that is used as a general ‘upgrade guild’. Thanks to this the player will be able to upgrade creatures in the town to their new forms. Mod also include +90 new artifacts, new creature banks, new dwellings and many more.
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Third Upgrade Mod |
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Third Upgrades mod v2.20.1 changelog:
- Updated Amethyst and Emerald plugin.
- Reinstated “theoretical battle ai vs ai” and “BattleAIvsAIFix” from modfolder supposedly due to a lack of AI performance in terms of army power.
- Fixed bugged dialog from Royal Treasury bank.
- Improved slow cast from Troll Witch when shoots.
- The ability description for “Swordmaster” unit has been clarified. Before; Leadership: In Rank Ace grants additional turn to creatures. Now; “Leadership”: In Rank ‘Ace’ grants additional turn to allies by casting it.
- Added variants of the same creature banks for exclusive terrains: Churchyard for Grass, Churchyard for Snow, Ivory Tower for Snow and Experimental Shop for Snow.
- Added 4 news creatures with upgrades and dwellings!
- Reformulated the function of 8th Dwellings, now instead of getting creatures of different levels depending on the faction you choose, they will all be Lv7, and to fulfill the purpose, certain creatures were replaced with the new ones added (the creatures that were previously in 8th Dwellings are still are considered to be of that same faction alignment).
Changelog of 8th Dwellings:
- Castle: Remains Light Templar and Light Paladin, the only change is that Light Paladins will now be able to cast up to 3 times Destroy Undead.
- Rampart: The Dryads are replaced by Forest Spirit and Spring Spirit.
- Inferno: Succubus and Lilim are replaced by Tartarus Fiend and Lord of Tartarus (Nerfed to balance with the other creatures of 8th dwellings).
- Dungeon: Illithid and Alhoon are replaced by Lady Spider and Queen Spider.
- Tower: Remains Drake Golem and Dragon Golem without changes.
- Necropolis: Werewolf and Dire Werewolf are replaced by Dark Templar and Dark Paladin which they’re from Necropolis Faction now.
- Fortress: Troll Hag and Troll Witch are replaced by Sea Serpent and Leviathan.
- Stronghold: Remains Coalt and Quetzalcoatl but they’re Lv7 creatures now, the only change apart from their level is their stats so that they match.
- Conflux: Triton and Abyssal Triton are replaced by Planeswalker and Elementalist.
- 8th dwellings construction cost has been changed to match the current value of creatures.
Same for me, AI turns take forever to load the longer you play. I have disabled Human AI even..
With the new Third Upgrades Mod v2.20.2, the AI moves EXTREMELY slowly.
The only way to fix this is to go into Plugin Manager (under tools), select ResOunD in the drop down menu, and uncheck Emerald3_3.era.
I believe this caused the same issue in a previous version of TUM.
If the AI turns take a very long time, try disabling the Human AI mod via the Mod Manager.
I have not had the Human AI Mod turned enabled, the only fix for me was to uncheck Emerald3_3.era.
Windows 10, ERA latest version, all updates.
There’s also another issue that I just discovered.
Playing the Fortress town, when I build the 8th creature dwelling (Sea Serpents now), the game crashes when I click on the castle to see all available creatures. The game is fine until I build the 8th creature dwelling, after that I can’t look at available creatures. This is a new bug.
Long AI turns are caused by Third Upgrades mod (and how to partially fix it)
It seems like too many unbalanced units. The units in the previous version of this mod, covered the weaknesses of each town much better.