Long AI turns are caused by Third Upgrades mod (fixed)

The bug was fixed in the new version 2.20.5. One big problem came with the new version of Third Upgrades mod, AI moves take an awfully long time. Even after updating to version 2.20.2, the problem still persists. Until the author fixes the problem, you have the following options:
- the easiest option is to deactivate TUM for now and wait for a fix
- the second option is to install the latest working version 2.18.2
- the third option is to disable the emerald plugin, which causes these long waiting times, but you will lose the new artifacts that TUM has added
How to disable Third Upgrades mod emerald plugin:
- In the Heroes Launcher, click Tools
- then click Plugin Manager
- Select “ResOunD” in the scrolling menu
- Uncheck “emerald3_3.era”
- From now on, AI moves will be fast, but no new artifacts will be available.