Life-size Fire-Breathing Gorynich statue (Kamenka, Russia)
In recent years, the village of Kamenka in Russia’s Lipetsk region has become famous as the home of Zmei Gorynich, a giant three-headed statue of one of the most iconic villains of Slavic folk stories.
The highlight of a visit to Kudykina Gora is hearing the Gorynich let out a scream just before spouting flames through all its three mouths, leaving plumes of black smoke floating around. These special effects can only be witnessed at 7 pm sharp on weekends, and on national holidays.
Wake of Gods Gorynich history:
Unfortunately for Alamar, crossbreeding dragons and hydras proved to be much more difficult than he had imagined. His first attempt burned itself to death when one head tried to talk to another, while his second smashed to the ground when it was unable to fly and attack at the same time.
The contest loomed and Alamar finally settled on a compromise: the gorynych — a multi-headed beast that attacked without retaliation, yet could fly and moved at least a little faster than a chaos hydra. Alas, his run of bad luck continued – the gorynych was showcased the same year that Jeddite developed his self – veiling medusas, and once again the Pendant he so coveted was denied to Alamar.
Out of frustration and spite, Alamar released his prototype gorynyches into the wild, to snack on the unsuspecting and those who are foolish enough to attempt to wrap their tongues around the beasts’ wholly unpronounceable