Wake of Gods Graphics fix update v2.4.2 (ERA 3)

This amazing graphic modification not only modifies and enhances the graphics of old WoG objects, but also adds many new ones. More specifically:
- Added new decorative objects (rocky mountains, underground crystals and lakes, lava rocks, sandy mountain…)
- Improved graphics of the Magic wand artifact
- Changing the appearance of orcs, pikemen, blood dragons, werewolf, lord of thunder, diamond dragon and hell baron
- Return of static flags of objects
- Fixed animation of the stance for some creatures
- Changing the graphics of buttons in the WoG options menu (from WoG 3.59 alpha by GrayFace)
- Change of skill icons for commanders and creature experience icons
- Other minor changes to objects and graphics of the original game
- Correction of placement of decorative objects on random maps
- Improved game fonts, including fonts for the WoG Native Dialogs plugin
- Correction of portraits of Yog (from the campaign), Boragus , Luna, Aenain, Sir Müllich…
- Added – monoliths from 16-2 teleports mod
- Added 3 new garrisons
- and more…
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WoG Graphics fix |
works with ERA Gaming Build* |
*If you use WoG Graphics fix mod with ERA Gaming Build, it is necessary to disable “16 2-way teleports” and “Game Enhancements Mod” via Mod Manager for the proper functioning.
funny to see watchtower from AOE be added in the game 😉