Raid Boss mod download

Platform | ERA 3 |
File Size | 11 MB |
Version | 1.0 |
Update | 04.11. 2024 |
Author | PerryR |
Download (WoG Folder, | |
or install/update this mod via Heroes Launcher | |
Heroes 3 Complete GOG version (works with this version) | |
How to install: Download the archive and unzip it to your PC. Open “[Gameplay] Raid Boss mod” folder and copy “Raid Boss Mod” folder to Heroes 3 ERA “\Mods” directory. Activate via Mod Manager or install/update this mod via Heroes Launcher. |
The goal of Raid Boss mod is to create additional game content during your normal random map gameplay. Take it or leave it. However I do believe this mod has a lot of random elements which will offer you some surprises and create a couple of ineresting and fun fights.
- each day theres a chance a monster/commander spawns near a humans players towns
- this wandering monster or “raid boss” will walk towards your town if you dont kill it before
- the monster can be killed for a specific reward
- if the monster reaches your town it will steal money and maybe destroy a random building, but it will not engage in a fight with the player
- each monster has three “enchantments” that will make it unique and prove a big challenge for the player. Currently the following enchantments are available:
- Strong (More HP and Damage )
- Fast (More Speed)
- Pack (More Units)
- Resistant (more physical resistance)
- Buffed (has hard buffs applied)
- Fire Shield (Has Fire Shield)
- Lucky (High Luck and Morale)
- Cast (casts before attacks)
- Multiattack (more attacks + extra Chance to trigger events)
- Specter and Ghost (Chance to dodge attacks)
- Spectral hit (+ adds bonus damage with attacks)
- Regeneration (regenerates ca 20% of max HP)
- Summoner (Summons a pack of elementals every turn)
- Positive Spirit (Chance to act twice)
- AOE Attack (deals Damage around target area)
Most echantment is available in two Levels, a lower and a harder one. Since the echantments are choosen randomly when the monster is spawn, it can lead to very powerful combinations, making the fights interesting. Needless to say that the monster scales with different parameters from the attacking heroes. There are a couple of anti-cheese mechanics implemented, so dont be to surprised if you cannot perma blind or slow the boss.