Quantomas AI mod download

Platform | Heroes 5: ToE |
File Size | 10 MB |
Version | v3.1j |
Author | Quantomas |
Added | 17.01. 2025 |
Updated | 17.01. 2025 |
Download (official, quantomas.de) | |
Download (alternative, WoG Folder) | |
Heroes 5 Bundle GOG (works with this version) | |
WoG Folder – online source of Heroes of Might and Magic mods (not only Heroes 3 mods, but not Heroes 6 😀 ) and various goodies (like “Did you know” series) that I have managed to collect over the last 10 years for everyone who contributes to the running of the Heroes 3.5 Portal. |
A complete overhaul of the AI for Heroes of Might & Magic V: Tribes of the East. The upgraded AI doesn’t cheat and plays by the same rules as player.
Unpack the .zip file to your Heroes V Tribes of the East folder, by default Program Files/Ubisoft/Heroes of Might and Magic V – Tribes of the East.
If the individual files are not copied automatically into the right directory, copy the H5_AIadv_31j.exe and H5_AIProcess_31j.exe files to the bin folder, by default Program Files/Ubisoft/Heroes of Might and Magic V – Tribes of the East/bin. The EE_options.pak file needs to go into the data folder, and the maps *.h5m into the Maps folder.
Start the game by double clicking on the newly copied H5_AIadv_31j.exe file.
Town Portal Spell: the AI makes now intelligent use of the town portal spell. As a result, approaching the main castle of an enemy with a hero of level 20
or greater is no easy feat. Many missions play now differently.
Hero Flee Threshold: the hero flee threshold has been finely tuned, and the AI tries to flee at the last moment to inflict maximum damage to your forces.
Treasure Vaults: the AI visits now goodie huts for the resources and experience on heroic difficulty, and on hard and normal difficulty if it feels thehuman player is a threat.
Removed Cheats: the AI has been cleaned of cheats once more. There had been two of Nival’s cheats remaining. One gave the AI a massive discount on all purchases, a second one gave the AI an experience boost. Both have been removed and the AI should now be entirely free of cheats. You can observe how it struggles to overcome the same obstacles as you and it is up to the task.
However, there is one caveat. It turns out that the original campaign maps were designed with the discount cheat in mind. For this to work, an optional AI cheat slider has been added to the game options. This allows you to provide the AI with a discount cheat for a limited number of days to give it the capability to rush opponents. This is active by default in the campaigns.
Improved Castle Build Orders: the AI code for building up the castles with scarce resources has been substantially improved. Still, in rare cases it can happen that the AI is severely hampered on maps with extreme resource scarcity. The game setup options that determine the players’ starting boni give you additional flexibility to adjust the starting resources.
Included Reference Maps: the reference maps included in the release have been expanded. This release brings you for the first time Markkur’s outstanding Power of Dragons. It’s a huge map with underground and a world full of wonder that comes close to Heroes III epic feeling. Also included are Dread Realms and a Hall of Decision Duel map. Icy Defense, Island Hoppers and My Home Is My Castle have been upgraded to revision 3. Icy Defense is now even more challenging with a strong necromancer rising in the east.
Neutral Champions: they are better balanced by not having access to level 5 destruction magic spells and other high level spells unless they have learned these in a regular way. The other spells removed are Holy Word, Curse of the Netherworld, Frenzy and Divine Vengeance. Additionally, the probability for a neutral champion to gain access to any destruction magic spell has been reduced. The monster tooltips indicate now to what extent neutral champions alter the threat level.
Source: https://www.quantomas.de/downloads/