Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 RC9
A s novým rokom tu máme aj novú verziu Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 s označením RC9. Všetci autori modifikácií si asi nechávajú nové verzie svojich modifikácií na nový rok. Ak sa s modifikáciou Heroes 5.5 stretávate po prvýkrát odporúčam pozrieť viac informácií na tejto stránke.
Najväčšou novinkou verzie RC9 je určite Creaturepedia (na obrázku), ktorá zobrazuje prehľadne jednotky na jednej obrazovke, kedy sa dajú dobre porovnať ich atribúty. Tradične už nová verzia so sebou prináša opravy a drobné vylepšenia, kompletný zoznam je dolu pod obrázkami, anglicky.
Inštalácia Heroes 5.5 RC9 sa odporúča na čistú verziu Heroes V: Tribes of the East 3.1, pokiaľ máte inštalovanú staršiu verziu modifikácie je potrebné ju odinštalovať. Neskôr bude dostupný aj český preklad modifikácie.
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Might & Magic: Heroes 5.5 |
Novinky verzie Heroes 5.5 RC9:
Thanks to the efforts of community member ThGryphn, MMH5.5 will now include a new creature manual for easier comparing upgrades. The manual can be accessed from creature hire screen with a new ingenious drawer bar. RC9 will bring also many more improvements (see below).
New User options (can be modified in MMH55-Settings.pak file):
-Added additional control over game difficulty, AI cheating can be adjusted from off to 6 different levels.
-Added option to handicap AI because some players found game too hard.
-Added option to always automatically ally all AI players against human player.
-Added option to have neutral towns on RMG maps prebuilt to a chosen level, so when you conquer them you don’t necessarily need to built them from level 1. The higher the level the stronger the guards.
-added option to make memory mentors forbidden and turn any on the map into skillboosters, for classic RPG experience.
– Added 64bit version of Utility.exe
– Added 64bit version of Map Editor (might improve stability but have not tested enough yet to be sure).
Academy Mini Artifacts
Thanks to the efforts of community member Deflaktor, 4 new reverse engineered changes have been
added, Academy artifacts are now fully rebalanced with better formulae
— Attack-Defense: 1 + K*150/1000
— Shatter: 1 + K*100/1000
— HP: 1 + K*167/1000
— Luck&Morale: 1 + K*50/1000
— Speed: 1 + K*25/1000
— Initiative: 1 + K*500/1000
-Energy channel for archmages is now back, but the effect is 10% instead of 25%
-Reverted initiative nerf on gremlin saboteurs and Titans (because artifacts now don’t overpower them)
-Increased tower damage to 80 for side towers and 120 for main tower
-PEST updated to 1.6 fixes issues with summon boat
Revised Imbue ballista gameplay
A long time wish of the community you can now go nuts with it, but still it is balanced.
– Imbue ballista also immediately teaches basic destructive magic+destructive spell and a -1 morale penalty.
– Imbue arrow doesn’t cost ATB.
– Imbue Arrow gives random dark magic spell.
Replaced resource bonus choice with creature bonus (because won’t be randomly useless)
– Soldiers luck gives additional exploration bonus for everyone and academy bonus is removed. The hero will also be more lucky on the adventure map and will collect between 10-30% more gold, resources & creatures from battle sites, resource offerings, grave digging & lost items.
– Shadow Mistresses get Hexing attack instead of Whip Strike (adds 2 spells and removes frenzy)
– Shadow Matriarchs get Swift attack instead of Whip stike (whip strike was bugged with new frenzy)
– Improved balance of monster experience values.
– Ring of Sar Issus has Knowledge penalty of -2. (overpowered)
– Increased cost of Phantom Forces spell to 24.
– Fixed script crash after AI tries to resurrect 0 creatures.
– Fixed game breaking bugs in campaign 1 mission 5 when played with MMH55.exe
– Improved texture quality of various UI backgrounds (ThGryphn)
– Fixed ufretin spec icon
– Fixed range txt of crossbowman
– Fixed mysticism txt
– Fixed Chieftain tooltip txt in skillwheel
– Fixed town ore spec txt
– Fixed yrbeth text
– Fixed various spelling errors
– Added missing governance text to sylvan town tooltips
– Added explanation to resourcebar income tooltip