How to install modifications for VCMI (outdated)

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(outdated) We recommend you first make a copy of clean Heroes 3 Complete folder. Download and extract [Heroes 3] VCMI package (or Daily Build, if necessary).  Copy “Data“, “Maps” and “Mp3” from Heroes III to VCMI 0.99 folder. WoG / ERA II / Horn of the Abyss is not needed.

For most new modifications it is necessary to install VCMI daily build, they don’t work with 0.99 version. 

VCMI 0.99
VCMI Daily builds

1. After copying, VCMI 0.99 folder should look something like this:

2. Select the modification you want to install. In the example we will use a modification Factory Town.

Factory Town 

3. Download and extract [VCMI] Factory Town package into the Mods folder.


4. After extract, Heroes 3 Complete / Mods folder should look something like this:


5. Now it is necessary enable the Factory Town modification. Run the file VCMI_launcher.exe. In the VCMI Launcher, locate the Factory Town and click Enable.


All recommended mods and files can be downloaded via VCMI Launcher.

6. All done. You can run the game directly through VCMI Launcher, or run the VCMI_client.exe.


  1. huy

    what is this and how to fix it

  2. Crack Head

    Čau! Jen se chci zeptat, mam takový problém.. VCMI mi jde samo o sobě spustit ale jakmile si tam dám nějaký mody (např. New Old Commanders, Golem Factory Upgrade, Forge, Cathedral town a pár dalších) tak nejde spustit. Zapnu hru v launcheru nebo client ale nic se neděje. Ve správci úloh proces běží ale hra se nikdy nezapne. Nemá někdo ponětí jak to fixnout? Díky, btw super stránka.

    1. Liso1 (Post author)

      Nazdar Crack Head, na spustenie modifikácií ktoré si vypísal potrebuješ VCMI daily build, nefungujú s oficiálne dostupnou verziou 0.99.

      Daily build si stiahneš tu: použi kľudne ten posledný zo 17. marca, nainštaluj ho a už si spustíš Fogre a Cathedral town.

  3. Logan Smith

    Hello. Does anyone know how to fix freeze up after clicking on single player mode? It appears that the game is trying to connect to the network, but fails somehow. Thanks.

  4. misike012

    Hi. I have followed all the installation steps, downloaded and used the last daily build (not the 0.99 version), but the game does not start any maps with the Mythology mod. What can I do?

    1. Liso1 (Post author)

      Hi misike,

      and the game will start normally when you don’t have the Mythology mod installed?

      1. misike012

        Hi Liso1,

        You are right if I disable the Mythology mod, the game will not start either, so it does not matter whether I installed any mods. What should I do?

        1. Liso1 (Post author)

          And do you have any other modifications installed?

          1. misike012

            I haven’t any modification installed except Mythology on VCMI.

  5. Alex9922

    Hi! I have a problem, the game crushes too often with the mods…is there any trick that I should do?(compatibility or something) or is it normal?

    Another question is why yhe AI are always stupid? it’s boring to play against them, maybe there is any mod that i should download?
    Thanks for the help in advance!

  6. Perry

    If you are using VCMI try asking in VCMI Forum for help.

  7. Paul

    After downloading a clean HOMM 3 and installing the VCMI daily build to it, I cannot get the game to run as it seems to try and connect to a server, and the crashes? Is there a solution for this? Any help much appreciated.

  8. chris cntx

    I followed all the steps to perform the installation and added the Death valley mod, I activated it.
    But when I launch, ther’s an error

    I tried looking for the names of the files that are indicated in the screenshot but I couldn’t find them anywhere.

    I’m using heroes 3 complete edition on GOG
    if anyone knows what to do plz tell me.

    1. Liso1 (Post author)

      Hi Chris, you need VCMi daily build you now have version 0.99 installed, but it doesn’t work with it.

      1. Tom

        Hy i have similar problem i downloaded the GOG edition from torrent and the VCMI daily build as well and the daily build wont start anything i done everything i needed it to do no metter what nothing is happening

  9. Solmyrka420

    Čau! Vedel by mi tu niekto poradiť s VCMI? stále mi to crashne, skúšala som najnovšiu verziu, tiež rôzne verzie z daily build. Nie je nejaký fix na to? Zakaždým mi uloží nejaký file s tým erorom… ( Heroes 3 mám z GOG)

    1. Liso1 (Post author)

      Ahoj, aké máš meno počítača na ktorom spúšťaš VCMI? Pretože ak meno tvojho PC obsahuje špeciálny znak (napr. ň, š…) tak hra ti bude stále padať, mám to otestované 😀

      Ale ak ti môžem poradiť, radšej si zahraj ERA VCMi je ešte stále v rannej fáze vývoja.

  10. petr

    I extract mod into \Heroes 3\VCMI (branch develop)\Mods and cannot see it VCMI launcher any hints ?

    1. Liso1 (Post author)

      Hi Petr, which modification is it? try to see if you have one extra directory.

      Factory town mod example, the structure must be as follows: Mods\Factory\”modification files”, but sometimes it happens that there is an extra directory: Mods\Factory\Factory\”modification files”

      1. petr

        presne tak jsem to udelal, ale ve VCMI se mi to neukaze

  11. petr

    zkusim to preinstalovat

  12. Petr

    tak preinstace pomohla,
    nicmene pokud dam single player tak mi to hodi hlasku connecting a zacne se pripojovat na nejaky server a pak se hra spusti, jde to nejak zrusit ? nechci hrat pres net (multiplayer jsem nezaklikl)

    1. Liso1 (Post author)

      Ahoj, to je v poriadku, takto VCMI funguje. To sa nedá zrušiť. Neviem z akého dôvodu sa tam pripája, ale je to tak. Nie je to chyba.

      1. petr

        diky a jeste jedna vec, snad uz posledni..jak se zbavim te rustiny? zkousel jsem to v launcheru vypnout a ruzne zapnout a zase naopak ale porad nic..nikde jsem nenasel zadny soubor ktery resil jazyk

        1. petr

          uz jsem na to prisel 🙂 akorat mi nejde spustit WoG mod a Hota 🙁 v tom VCMI

  13. Tigrovica

    Zdravím, když chci zapnout samostatný scénář, tak mě u toho “connecting” okna nejde zmáčknout potvrdit, jde zmáčknout jen zpět. Po opětném pokusu o připojení klient spadne.
    Existuje nějaké řešení tohoto problému?

    1. Liso1 (Post author)

      Ahoj, akú používaš verziu VCMI? Sú pridané aj nejaké modifikácie?

  14. Ruskii

    Hi,i installed the newest version,but when i click singe player asks me to connect to something,please help

    1. Liso1 (Post author)

      Hi, this message should disappear after a few seconds and you should continue playing.

  15. Nick Jermyn

    Alright, so I think I did everything right. Almost. But when I try to start new game with latest VCMI branch develop installed, it says that the game ‘can’t access the file because its being used by another process’
    So I managed to get the game menu working, but it can’t start a new game with the VCMI launcher.

    1. Liso1 (Post author)

      Hi Nick, so it’s weird, I’ve never seen such a message.

      Please try again and follow these steps:

      – install VCMI daily build
      – Install Heroes III using GOG installer
      – Copy “Data”, “Maps” and “Mp3” from Heroes III to:
      “%USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\vcmi\”
      – Create this folder if it doesnt exist yet


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