Mentoring mod download

Platform | ERA 3 |
File Size | 1,2 MB |
Version | 1.5 |
Updated | 10. 06. 2024 |
Author | Valery |
Download | |
works with Heroes Launcher |
Mentoring mod allows sharing experience, primary skills and movement bonuses between heroes.
Instructions: in Heroes meeting screen, click on:
1) if HD mod activated, quest log in left hero screen
2) if no HD mod, new button near left hero shield location
3) To bring mentors screen, press F8 key. The mentors dialog is limited top 24 heroes. If you have more, you must find them manually.
Mentoring: the experience the mentor loses when mentoring (-1 level) is entirely given to the student. Example: Orrin is level 17 and Adelaide is level 1. When mentoring he will lose one level and become level 16. The amount of experience points between level 16 and 17 is 9433. Adelaide will receive 9433 experience and will instantly becoime level 7.
a) to be able to mentor, one hero must be 5 levels higher than his student
b) A hero which mentored will not be able to mentor again in the following 7 days
c) A hero who mentored will receive a movement penalty of 7 tiles. Each day this penalty diminishes by 1 tile.
d) A hero receives +1 permanent movement tile for every time he/she mentored someone.
e) A hero who is mentored receives instantly +7 tiles movement for one week. This bonus is cumulative, with each mentor. When a hero is free for mentoring, the dialog item about bonuses an penalties will be empty. Once he is mentored, no matter how many mentors teach him and when, during that week, all the movement bonuses will stay only for one week, then fade away.
Example: Orrin is mentored first time on monday. He receives 7 extra tiles until next monday.
Orrin is again mentored on friday and will receive +7 extra tiles again. As he is under the effect of mentoring already, the 14 extra tiles movement will fade away on next monday, and so on.
f) Each time a hero mentors, he/she will permanently lose one random primary skill.
g) A hero who is mentored will receive one extra primary skill for each level he was mentored with. This skill is random but depends also on the class of the mentor. From a magic mentor, he will receive either knowledge or spellpower, from a might mantor he will receive either attack or defense. Example: Orrin level 15 mentors Sylvia, level 1. Sylvia receives 3 levels with the regula primary skills increase; + 3 extra primary skills: Sylvia receives +6 primary skills.
h) A hero who is under the effect of mentoring can’t mentor another hero until the mentoring effect is gone.
i) Custom portraits will not be displayed in dialog.
j) Mentoring display dialog is limited to 24 heroes. If you have more, you will have to search them manually.
k) Clicking on heroes heads in mentoring dialog will alow to find them. Right-click on mentoring values to bring extra infos about that hero status.
l) All values for bonuses and penalties are modifiable from mentor.ini file.
This mentoring mod’s mechanic doesn’t make sense, the hero who mentors loses a skill so that the mentored hero can gain a skill. In real life it’s not how it works – it would mean school (or university) teachers will lose all their skills while teaching and then go spend the rest of their lives relearning them all over again. It doesn’t make sense.
Teaching someone things should cost time and energy instead. Something else must be lost instead. For example, both heroes must be next to each other and on 100% movement points before they can start the mentoring process.
After that, both heroes lose 100% of their movement points on the first day, 80% on the second day, 60% on the third day, 40% on the fourth day, 20% on the fifth day and 10% on the sixth day.
Well, yes, you’re probably right, but in real life there aren’t even dragons and hellhounds π
Loss of movement points is not sufficient compensation.