HoMM: Olden Era – Hive Tier III: Hornet / Chanter / Stinger

Heroes of Might and Magic: Olden Era is a new installment of the renowed series of turn-based strategy games, where action takes place in Enroth, on the continent of Jadame, mentioned but never explored in a Heroes of Might and Magic game before.
Known from Might and Magic VIII, the Waspfolk were the first to become demonic pawns. Now a part of something greater, they spread across Jadame in glory of their liege.

A horrific mutation of the waspfolk, hornets were among the first creatures to fall prey to demonic corruption- With massive wings and formidable intellect, they have become a deadly air force in service to the Hive.

Some of the waspkin retained a limited ability to speak. Twisted bythe demonic powers they serve, they now chant the sweet lies about the caressing embrance and bliss in the arms of the Dragonfly King – their liege.

As their mutation intensify, hornets evolve into Stingers. Their jabs pierce even the toughest hides, injecting bio-magical cocktail of venom and demonic essence that kills their victims.

The wasp warrior is a monster in Might and Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer.