Avoid these Heroes III ERA mods for now…
With the advent of the Heroes Launcher, installing mods for ERA 3 has become really easy. You can install modifications such as Third Upgrades mod, Advanced Classes mod or WoG Graphics Fix with just a few clicks. This is thanks to the Mod Browser, which is part of the Heroes Launcher.
Unfortunately, it also has a dark side. There are modifications in the Mod Browser that can ruin your entire installation and the game will crash very often.
I hate to write this, but I’ve dealt with you many times over emails and we’ve always found that once this mod was disabled, the game worked properly again.
Please avoid these two mods for now until a more stable aversion is available:
- Knightmare Kingdoms
- Land of New Towns
If you want to try them, PLEASER READ the mod description. It is necessary to deactivate some other conflicting mods.