Game Difficulty Mod download

Platform | ERA 3 |
File Size | 2 MB |
Version | 1.038 |
Mod Info | – |
Updated | 18.01. 2023 |
Author | Perry, Daemon |
Download (official, dropbox)* | |
Download (alternative, WoG Folder)* |
*Modification is part of the ERA_3 Launcher. A mod to customize game difficulty with many options to select at game start. The mod has to offer (all optional):
- Options for stronger computer players
- Artifact equipment mod for AI
- Increase neutral stack size
- Increase neutral growth
- Neutral stacks can grow over 4000
- Increased stats of neutrals over time
- Extra growth for low-level troops
- Random spell buffs for neutrals
- Random abilities for neutrals (temporary disbaled)
- Battle commander option
- Battle rewards option
- and more…
How to play with this mod:
- Select the options you like at map start
- Additional informations are available on right-clicking
- Clicking “Confirm” will save all your settings, Clicking “Cancel” will reset all your options
- Enter a day at which the AI starts to receive bonuses (Payday) This will allow you to built up your hero
- Dont use the highest AI difficulty when you are new to this mod, start with Easy or Normal and Payday at day 50
- If you want, also use progressive-difficulty option to change the AI level during the game to a harder one. This allows for a smooth game progression. Like from Hard to Expert. Or from Extreme to Insane.
- Better dont use Insane settings
- Game to easy or to difficult? No problem, make NEW settings during your game by right-clicking the system icon on the adventure map