Did you know? – Second Edition (Heroes 3 Complete)
- awesome wiki heroes.thelazy.net
- perfect Tribute to strategist manual by Rainalkar
- forum heroescommunity.com
- Fizmig vk.com/fizmig
- https://gamefaqs.gamespot.com/boards/63965-heroes-of-might-and-magic-iii/47858744
Is it true about Thorgrim? How it was calculated? Thank you for your work!
So many hours of playing the game and still some little things I didn’t know… Also, a hero can be left without any units if you dismiss all of them from the towns screen while garrisoned in some town…
I found duplicates – 14 and 68
Hi Ernestas, thanks, it’s already fixed!
Wow this Did you know… is a pure gem, after 16 years of playing this game most of them I didn’t know! Such a wonderful time to read those
Hi Ernestats, thank you very much praise, we will be at number 100 in a moment. I’m glad you like it.
Where can i find a link to download them all?
Hi Goponfs, there are none at the moment, I’m waiting for 100, so I’ll make a pdf file with 100 did you know 🙂