ERA 2.8.2 download (Wake of Gods)

Version 2.8.2 release can be installed over fresh game only to exclude name clashes and presence of removed files.

ERA v2.8.2
Installation of ERA

Version 2.8.2
[+] Updated WoG Native Dialogs. Commander dialog was fully rewritten. Less bugs, performance boost. Credits: igrik.
[+] Added updated ToolsExeMapCompiler php utility to convert *.map files into Era’s *.dbgmap format.
Decompilation is supported. Supports maps, generated by Delphi, Virtual Pascal and Visual Studio.
[+] Added ToolsVfsTest utility to run tests for virtual file system compatibility with current OS.
[*] Added extra check in angel.dll to not load plugins with double extension like *
[*] Loaded *.dll plugins by angel.dll now receive v1 = hEra during DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH event and thus
do not crash if *.dll plugin is renamed *.era plugin.
[*] DEPRECATION. New versions of plugins MUST use updated era.h and not rely on v1 = hEra in DllMain. Updated era.h accordingly.
[*] Included WoG Native Dialogs sources in main package.
[-] Fixed bug: Virtual File System worked unreliably on Win 10 v1709+, because NtQueryDirectoryFileEx was not handled.
[-] Fixed bug: reports for addresses from debug maps were sometimes invalid.
[-] Removed garbage files from the previous release.

Version 2.8.1
[+] Option CPUPatch was replaced by CpuTargetLevel (value 0..100), defining desired level of CPU load. Real CPU loading decrease is usually
greater than option value. 0 (almost not CPU loading in idle mode, but with possibly a bit not responsive interface or jerky mouse movement).
100% — regular game mode (waste of CPU time and battery).
[+] Integrated latest WoG Native Dialogs mod by igrik.
[+] Toolsinstallmod.exe utility was updated to support new UTF-8 format of Modslist.txt file.
[+] Added char* GetEraVersion exported function.
[+] Added event ‘OnReportVersion’ for important plugins and Era. Added void ReportPluginVersion(char* VersionLine) API to era.dll.
It’s now possible to view Era and important plugin versions via right mouse button on Credits button in main menu.
[+] Added option ‘Debug.DumpVirtualFileSystem’. If true, all virtual file system mappings are written in log.txt on game start.
[+] Added full set of English texts and gui resources to enforce language of core WoG mod.
[*] Added support for ‘modlist’ command line argument to map editor.
[*] Restored obligatory mod list report in log.
[*] Updated ‘numeric creature stats.era’ plugin by igrik. No more dependency on VC++ Redistributable anymore.
[*] Updated patcher_x86.dll by Baratorch to 4.5.4.
[-] Fixed bug: not all virtual files and directories were correctly mapped. Updated vfs.dll to version.
[-] Fixed bug: some Era exported API used non-stdcall conversion and pointer to internal routines, rather then special wrappers.
This would cause immediate crashes in any plugin, that would try to use them.

Version 2.8.0
[+] Fully redesigned and rewritten Virtual File System code, the core of Mods system. Added full concurrency and Unicode support.
Developed with Windows XP, 7, 10 and Wine in mind. Lua’s ‘script not found’ problem is solved.
[*] (Internal code) Wrote patch/assembling module, implementing 70-80% of core patcher_x86 features, but with thread-safety. Fixes real crashes in parallel mod in game and map editor.
[*] (Internal code) Improved Era’s logger implementation: added better concurrency support and recursion protection. Reduces potentional crashes.
[*] (For plugin makers) DisableThreadLibraryCalls is no more called for plugins.
[*] Era is now compiled in optimized mode.
[-] Fixed bug: Named functions (FU(XXX)) dictionary was not cleaned on new map start, but function automatical ID used to be reset. Thus any further scripts reloading via F12 used to create function ID collisions if scripts contained new function names.
[-] Fixed bug: Era’s memory manager worked in single-thread mode (IsMultiThread = false), which could cause unpredictable crashes in all previous Era versions.
[-] Fixed crash if DebugEra directory was not created or could not be created.

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